Need to Lose Weight? Have Acai Berry Works?

Lack of time for workouts? Tired of diet foods? Afraid of side effects by chemically artificial weight losing pills? Here comes the solution! Acai berry pills!! This is a natural weight losing method which have been used from a long before in history. No need of spending hundreds of dollars in heavy machines and side effects causing pills anymore.

The acai berry is the fruit that is cultivated in Brazil alone before 300 years. It's nutritional values and health effects came into light and the plant was distributed world wide for commercial usage. The acai fruit has nutritional value as follows: carbohydrate-52.2 grams; protein-8.1 grams; total fat-32.5 grams. The carbohydrate that is present includes 44.2 grams of dietary fiber and low sugar value. This dietary fiber is proved to burn the body fat thereby helps in losing weight . Apart from this, the increased rate of body metabolism and digestion process melts the excess fat which is the main reason for overweight and shapeless figure.

The polyphenols such as procyanidin oligomers, vanillic acid, syringic acid, para hydroxybenzoic acid, protocatechric acid and ferulic acid are present in the acai fruit. It has antioxidant content in it, which makes it declared as a superfood. Superfood is defined as the natural food that is regarded as especially beneficial because of its nutrient profile or its health-protecting qualities. The superfoods appear to offer additional health benefits beyond simple nutrition.

Some of the properties of the superfoods are 1. Low in calories, 2. Contain substantial amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids or mono unsaturated fatty acids, 3. High in fiber content, 4. Rich in vitamins, 5. Low in unhealthy substances such as saturated fats, Trans-fats or refined sugars, 6. Contains phytochemicals to prevent disease. There is no wonder that the acai berry is also included in superfood category since it satisfies all these six properties absolutely! Laziness, lack of time, heavy diets or workouts need not take the blame anymore for your fat figure! Let acai help you to make you lighter!