Scented Candles and Their Dangers... Soy Candles are the Healthiest

Any imitation fragrance in any product is very hazardous to your health! Whether its perfume or detergent or air fresheners or candles, it's very unnatural to be breathing all those artificial chemicals! Did you know that some of those chemicals can trigger asthma and allergic reactions? Other problems can occur in your immune system, reproductive and also the central nervous systems. One more thing... Did you know that Synthetic fragrances have been linked to cancer?
Just like most air fresheners, there are many scented candles containing and releasing phthalates. These are possibly harmful chemicals which have been seriously linked to the disturbance of hormonal systems and so many other health issues as mentioned above in individuals exposed to them. Candles [Burning] can also release little amounts of acetaldehyde, formaldehyde and naphthalene. These are organic chemicals which are also probably harmful and they may leave horrible black filth deposits on surfaces.
Soy wax is definitely one of the more challenging waxes out there but come on... It's also the healthiest by far! You can learn how to price the candles you make in order to benefit from selling them. I know you are probably tired of having been wasting your time looking for books on how to make the perfect candle. Honestly, you probably won't find this information in any book or manual.
Imagine being able to make your own 'healthy' candles at home and making a profit from it. I haven't been able to go back to regular candles after making the soy candles. You don't have to trust me though. If you are anything like me, you will need to see this yourself!

Veronica Zambrano


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