Be Beautiful through Ayurveda

Today, many people are very cautious regarding their looks so this article describes few points on how to get a flawless face naturally with the help of ayurveda.

• Wash your face with warm water, and then splash some cold water. Try this daily as it increases skin's blood circulation, there by enhancing its glow.
• Every weekend, apply some cream of milk on your face wash off after 10-15 minutes with cold water. This activity provides instant glow to the skin.
• To cure acne, make a paste of ‘roots of Neem' with cold water and apply on affected areas. Another powerful remedy for acne/rashes is a concoction made of juice of Tulsi leaves and lime.
• Make your own ‘radiance' face mask by grinding together dried orange peels, almonds, cream of fresh milk.
• Mix thoroughly amla powder with curd, and apply on the face for 20-30 minutes. Follow this with a warm water fomentation on the face. It is a wonderful complexion-brightener.
• Natural bleaching mix – combine lime juice, honey, white flour, turmeric twigs and besan powder and then apply it on face and body. It helps to get rid of the tan and if used regularly, it also acts as a hair remover.
• The regular application of Aloe Vera get on the face keeps the skin healthy, reduces acne.
• Homemade butter with saffron is meant to be very effective lip balm. It helps to reduce dryness, cracks and discoloration and give a soft pinkish hue to the lips.
• You can also try making another lip-softener which is made from milk cream mixed with grounded rose petals.
• The application of amla powder with lime juice all over the body, before taking a lukewarm water bath, helps to purify the skin.
• Almonds are considered to be the most anti-ageing nuts that should be consumed soaking in water or with the milk as an adjuvant.

In order to know more about the beautifying power of Ayurveda and Yoga, do visit our website /

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