Am I Contagious When I Have a Lip Cold Sore

A cold sore on the lip seems to always happen at the worst time and be the only thing that you think someone will see when they look at you. Keep in mind that because you are sel-conscious and may feel it, you can be thinking about it differently than your friends and co-workers. Nonetheless, it does grow and become a sore and when it is in the scab phase it can be quite bothersome making eating difficult.

As you worry about it, the next question that may be on your mind is if you passed it on to others and are contagious. The cold sore virus or hsv 1 is contagious and it's best to not share cups, toothbrushes, kiss someone or have contact between your lip and another person. You also should wash your hands often or use a hand sanitizer as if you touch your cold sore and then touch another you can spread it. When you aren't in the midst of the cold sore breakout, you still have the virus dormant in your system. But it is most contagious during the active phase.

Don't forget that most people have been already exposed to the hsv 1 , herpes cold sore virus and that not everyone will contract it and develop a cold sore. But if someone is vulnerable due to a weak immune system, fighting a cold or suffering from lots of stress, they may catch it so it's best to be caution. In addition, it can be spread to someone via oral sex so this is important to avoid.

The lip cold sore doesn't always heal immediately due to fact that the sore can open up when one eats , smiles or moves one lips. It is a sensitive place and this is why it can begin to heal and then crack again. Getting the cold sore cycle under control is important and having a system in place to minimize the virus will give you peace of mind.