Age Spots On Face - How To Get Rid Of Them Naturally

If you are like me, you too would hate those age spots on face that just do not go away no matter which treatment you try. Is there a way to really get rid of them? Let’s find out.

To be able to solve this problem of age spots on face on a permanent basis, we first need to understand why they develop on our skin at all. Then we can evaluate the different treatments and choose the best one out of them.

When we stay out in the sun, its UV rays increase the production of Melanin inside our skin. Melanin is the pigment that determines how dark our skin is going to be. More melanin means a darker skin and a small quantity makes for a light colored skin.

The increased melanin gets concentrated in a few places in the upper layer of the skin. The skin in those areas turns dark and forms brown spots. These are what we call age spots or liver spots.

There are many ways people try to remove these spots from their skin. Usually they opt for bleaching creams that contain ingredients like Hydroquinone.

This chemical does help to an extent in lightening the skin and removing the spots – but at a high cost. This chemical is highly destructive in nature and damages the skin extensively. It can also cause cancer in the long run and should be avoided at all costs.

Other ways of removing the spots are treatments like skin peeling, sanding and laser treatment.

All these treatments are invasive in nature and work by destroying the skin cells containing the excess melanin. The spot in that skin area gets removed in this manner. Problem is – these treatments are quite expensive and can leave behind tell tale signs in the form of white marks and scars on the skin.

You can avoid all these problems by using a natural method of age spot removal.

If you use natural substances likeExtrapone Nutgrasson your skin, the spots will be gone without the risk of any side effects. This plant extract works by reducing the melanin in the skin by up to 40%. Reduced melanin means a lighter skin. Apart from removing the existing age spots on face, it also helps in ensuring the spots do not recur – something that other treatments fail to do.

Avocado Oilis another natural ingredient that helps in removing the spots from the skin. It is also an effective moisturizer and keeps the skin soft and supple.

This is the easiest way to remove the age spots on face. Just avoid the invasive treatments and look for a natural option. If you need more information, visit my website below.