Clean, healthy water is essential for life. Unfortunately our water supply has become very contaminated and in most places is not safe to consume without a drinking water filter. It is not a matter of whether or not to use a water filter. Most of us know that it is essential to use one in order to not get sick from the water. The question is simply which drinking water filters to use.

There are a number of different types of water filtration systems to choose from. There are whole house water filters, drinking water filters, refrigerator water filters, shower water filters as well as simple filters such as a Brita. The most common type used is a good drinking water filter system.

How to Protect Yourself and your Family

The most common drinking water filter uses a method of filtration called reverse osmosis. This is known to eliminate just about all of the dangerous pollutants. Although some water filters will work better than others, most drinking water filters from a reputable water filter company will eliminate the majority of harmful chemicals and toxins.

The good news is that a drinking water filter does not have to cost all that much. A whole house water filtration system can be quite expensive but a simple under the sink or counter top drinking water filter can be very affordable. It can also be easily installed by any individual so there is no necessary expense of a plumber either.

Common Contaminants found in Drinking Water

Besides the usual dangers of chlorine and fluoride in our water some other common contaminants are:

  • prescription drugs such as antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones
  • 35,000 different pesticides that contain 600 chemical substances

The problem is that municipal water systems are only forced to check for six different contaminants. With over 35,000 known toxins and chemicals showing up on independent water tests these facts are quite scary to me. What may be deemed as "safe" water to drink could actually be extremely dangerous and harmful for our health and well being.

These scary facts are causing the majority of people to invest in some type of drinking water filter. My personal favorite is the Aquasana drinking water filter (under the counter) as it is known to be extremely effective and I think the cost is really good. However there are quite a few to choose from and I would suggest reading some reviews to find one that will work best for you.