How to ‘Cure’ a Hangover

First, we have to tell you that there is not an actual ‘cure’ for a hangover; however, there are many ways to get rid of it faster! In this article we will cover some of the basics of treating the nastiest of hangovers. More detailed information can also be found at the Hangover Network website.

Hair of the dog. Ever heard of it? It is derived from the old phrase “eat the hair of the dog that bit you”. Yeah it’s rather strange, but we didn’t make it up. Contrary to popular belief, drinking more alcohol when experiencing a hangover does not cure a hangover. It merely delays the inevitable effects of the hang over. However, a few of the recipes I have found actually do have some benefits, other than the liquid part of it. One recipe such as the Prairie Oyster, aka Cowboy Bebop, includes vodka and a raw egg in tomato juice, with a dash of Worcestershire, salt and black pepper. Eggs are actually very beneficial to those attempting to alleviate the symptoms of a hangover. Eggs contain an amino acid called cysteine. Cysteine actually offsets effects of acetaldehyde toxins. So consuming eggs after a long night of drinking may not be a bad idea. Maybe it will mop up all those left over toxins your liver produced and couldn’t get to without more water and other elements.

Another recipe is the classic bloody Mary. What is really great about these two are the fact that they both also contain tomato juice which not only helps hydrate you, but it also provides salts and vitamins such as vitamin c with helps fight antibodies which are left behind during the alcohol metabolism process, as well as boost your immune system to help fight those nasty germs and viruses you may have picked up recently as your body is much less immune due to the lack of needed vitamins and minerals in your depleted, hung over body.

Water, sports drinks are a necessity when treating a nasty hangover. Hydration is key. In addition, sports drinks provide electrolytes to help hydrate your body faster, along with providing vitamins and minerals your body needs to replenish what it had lost from metabolizing alcohol.

Pain relievers, other than aspirin which tends to be an irritant on the stomach, are a necessity as any person who has had at least one hang over would know. In regards to Tylenol or other acetaminophen pain relievers, the reason these types can damage your liver is because it increases the number of toxic substances that the liver needs to deal with and the human liver only has so much to work with before it runs out of essential elements to provide proper metabolism. When toxins ‘pile up’ on your liver it can cause some serious damage. Please consult your doctor for more details.

Sleep is a necessity during a hang over as you more than likely did not even get into R.E.M. at all due to the glutamine rebound where sugars are replenished. This causes you to be asleep, but ‘out of it’ the next day due to the fact that your brain did not get much rest, if any.

Some other items which can really help the stomach would include, bouillon soup, bread, crackers, bananas (also helps replenish potassium) and ginger.

One more thing I wanted to mention in this article is coffee. Many people, including myself, need coffee after a long night out. However, the only thing coffee really helps alleviate during a hangover is tiredness. It is actually a stomach irritant to many and yet another diuretic. In other words, it has the ability to dehydrate even further. Coffee can help a bit with the headache, but a pain reliever tends to do the trick.

For more information please visit our website for even more tips for treating those nasty hangovers and enjoying the day.