Neck Pain caused by excessive computer work

Neck pain can have a variety of symptoms.    Based on those symptoms, a Chiropractor may help relieve the underlying cause of your neck pain.

The first step a Chiropractor takes is to ask you for an in-depth history of your neck pain.   He will enquire about your symptoms.  Neck pain can manifest itself as:

* Mildly uncomfortable
* Sudden and intense
* Knotted tense neck muscles
* Pain radiating down your shoulders, shoulder blades, arms, hands
* Pain spreading up into your head
* Headaches
* Burning
* Weakness
* Stiffness
* Tingling

Once Chiropractors has done a full assessment of your symptoms, he will then investigate your complete spinal health.   Even though neck pain might be your main problem, a Chiropractor will want to rule out any contributing causes from your thoracic (middle) and lumbar (lower) spine.

A Chiropractor will review possible causes of your neck pain.     Neck pain can originate from injury, stress and poor sleeping and sitting posture.   A Chiropractor may be able to pinpoint an explanation for your neck pain, however, in many cases, people suffer neck pain for no apparent reason.

A Chiropractor may test your neck range of motion, check for trapped nerves, examine the spinal and neck joints and analyze your muscle strength.     In addition, your Chiropractor may request x-rays to further assist in the diagnosis.

Your Chiropractor, is highly educated about the human spine and has learned analysis through touch with his hands.    A Chiropractor uses palpitation, a gentle method of examination, to check each spinal joint for normal motion, as well as the muscles and tissues surrounding the joint for tenderness and stiffness.

A Chiropractor will specifically examine  your cervical (neck) spine for the following:

* Whether you have scoliosis (an abnormal curvature of the spine)
* If your posture is correct
* Whether the curves in your neck and lower back are proper
* Whether your head is correctly aligned in relation to your spine
* Whether your pelvic bones are even
* Whether your shoulders are even or if one droops

The results from your cervical spine examination, together with your symptoms and possible causes of the neck pain, will assist your Chiropractor to formulate a treatment plan.    Each case of neck pain is individual and a Chiropractor will tailor your treatment plan especially for you.

A Chiropractor will provide manual treatments in the form of gentle manipulations and adjustments.   A Chiropractor may perform massage therapy and other therapies, such as exercise recommendations, postural advice and dietary suggestions.