Here are some tips for an athletic skin care routine.  Pros, amateurs and everyday people that work out on a regular basis should benefit from these tips.

The benefits of regular physical activity are numerous.  Perspiring is good for your skin's health, because it washes dirt, salt, dead cells and sebum out of the pores.

Some alternative healthcare practitioners believe that toxins from within the body are carried out along with the perspiration, as well.  Proving that is difficult.  Perspiring is one of the ways that the body cleanses itself.  The primary biological purpose of perspiration is to regulate body temperature.

Other skin-health benefits of regular physical activity have to do with regulating blood sugar and insulin levels.  Insulin has inflammatory properties.  So it can worsen inflammatory conditions; acne, eczema, psoriasis, etc.

Aerobics are particularly beneficial for maintaining healthy blood sugar and insulin levels.  Some research suggests that aerobics may even be beneficial for baldness.

That brings us to the skincare challenges faced by athletes.  Swimming in chlorinated pools dries out the skin's sebum.  Sebum is the skin's natural moisturizer, lubricant and protectant.

For swimmers, a good athletic skin care routine must include the use of a good moisturizer.  You need to replenish the skin's oils or you will experience excessive dryness, redness, irritation and inflammation that can contribute to acne breakouts.  Failure to replenish the skin's moisture content can lead to premature signs of aging.

Any athlete that spends a great deal of time outdoors must be aware of the damage that the sun can do.  The sun's UV rays cause increased activity of free radicals, which are one of the major causes of wrinkles, fine lines, age spots and sagging.  The most common cause of premature skin-aging is overexposure to UV from sunlight.

Most sources will recommend the use of a good sun-block as an important part of athletic skin care.  Many athletes follow that advice, but they fail to reapply the sunscreen as directed.

Some of the sunscreens on the market are more effective than others.  Researchers say that the SPF rating is not completely accurate.  There are too many variables to consider.

The best advice is to protect your skin from the sun as much as possible by wearing a hat or standing in the shade during breaks.  When you do use a sun-block, choose a broad spectrum one that provides protection from both UVA and UVB.  Zinc oxide is the most effective.  And always reapply the product as directed.

The most challenging part of athletic skin care has to do with finding a cleanser that does not cause excessive dryness or add to the skin's irritation.  The best you can do is use the mildest cleanser possible and try to limit the number of times that you shower.  Showering in plain tap water strips away sebum too.

After every shower, you should use a good moisturizer that contains natural plant oils.  It should be free of added fragrances and non-allergenic.  Try to find a face and body lotion that contains coenzyme Q10.  It will help to prevent sun damage.

As you can see, the most important ingredient for an athletic skin care routine is a good moisturizer.  If it contains the right ingredients, it will protect your skin's health more than anything else you can do.

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