Can you use accupuncture to relieve you quit smoking?

More First Aid questions please visit :

A tick bite?
Hi I had a tick on my back in the region of a week ago and now its red and itches like a son of a #(a)!% wont shift to doctor no health insurance is there any road to treat it my self beside itching also theres nothing in nearby like a...

A tiny cut on the outside of my trunk won't stop bleeding!?
I took a nap a couple hours ago and when I woke up a TINY cut on the outside of my nose be bleeding, so I was wiping it beside tissue. It's been 3 hours since I woke up and IT'S STILL BLEEDING!!...

A Very BAD Ear Problem, Please Help?
Someone I know has a problem with their ear. They own been in alot of twinge & has been haveing puse & blood come out a numerous of times. They enjoy been haveing headaches as in good health. They started haveing these problems after going swiming & getting...

A week of nausea, stomach pains?
For a week now, I have be stomach sick. It started 7 days ago when I vomited after eating something I always munch through. Since then, I've been constantly nauseas, burping constantly, going from constipated to have diarrhea. I have basically be eating only soups. ...

A Weird Cut?
Not going into any details, I had cut my leg on the front of my shin 2 days ago. The cut is about 1 1/2 - 2 inches long, and here's the grotesque part: Its sort of open, as if it be a deep cut, but its not. The kind of cut...

A while pay for I saw on TV where on earth you could swab out our colon or intestines. Does anybody know almost this?
that is bull! Colon cleansing is not necessary. Not only does colon cleansing provide no benefit, it can be downright dodgy. Contrary to popular belief, the inside...

Can you suffocate someone near a plastic pod?
until they pass out, then slap them posterior round without killing them I'm not sure. I think the fairest item would be for you to try it on yourself. listen 1 u'd need to be pretty strong, survival instinct kick in, regardless if they consent to your...

Can you suggest me how to get hold of rid of sever headache?
I stay in Bangalore, software profession, I get sever headache incredibly often, The headache will be unbearable. Most of the time I go and get this headache when I go out in sun. Please permit me know if you know any good...

Can you swallow your tongue? **Please do not answer if you do not in truth know**?
There is a congenital (birth) deformity that is very scarce. In this case the tag of skin that connects the underside of the tongue to the bottom of your mouth is missing. Even after,...

Can you swim short a toenail?
I work as a lifeguard. The pool has chlorine. If I had to draw from my toenail removed can i still work? Yes, you can. I work as an EMT in an amusement park and a water park, and we see natural life guards (and guests) all the...

Can you swim when you hold poison ivy?
will it spread or contaminate the pool water? I dont think it will spread to others. The chlorine may backing dry it up. I use to get poison ivy really bad when I be a kid and it burned and itched alot, I was miserable. Swimming helped...

Can you swim within contact lenses?
I'm going to a lake all summer. the river is clear and at a drinkable quality, so no chlorine interfearance. any sugjestions? I wouldn't go beneath water or don't open your eyes when you walk under. Another thought is that, if you don't want to worry, you should lug...

Can you take a cold surrounded by your eyes?
My wifes eye is all red ,semi swollen, goopy. Can anybody help? Visit your doctor smartly. It sounds like siptoms to some illment, ortherwise, it her make sure she is not sleeping for too long. And she is taking adequet vitamin C Yes, the medical...

Can you take illustrious stale of mitt sanitizer?
my little brother(11) has been inhaling the stuff and he say that it tickles his noes so can you actually get giant off of hand sanitizer depends I don't know something like sniffing it, but you can become drunk if you lick or eat it, it...

Can you take mono more than once?
I had it once before, but am afraid I might own caught it again? Is it possible to get it more than once? *Thanks* 3 yes! yes i have had it twice Source(s): doctor said its possable yes Yes. Mononucleosis is a virus. ...

Can you take shocked while soaking your foot and using a computer?
I have done it earlier, and I never was shocked. I never even considered it, but it's a good examine. :) Paaaahhh-llleeeeeeaase Thanks for the humor though It made me smile Jeff Actually if you visit some adult...

Can you tender someone a shot of adrenaline resembling they did within Pulp Fiction?
If you could would they snap out of it as fast as Mia? Its a trick question DONT CLICK THIS ?v=H0claHSPxQ8 BUT YOu want TO Source(s): Its a trick interview DONT CLICK THIS ?v=H0claHSPxQ8 BUT YOu want TO Yes, but they...

Can you touch ill after drinking vitamin and mineral supplements?
vitamin c, zinc, echinecea Yes, that can happen, it usually means your body is not agreeing beside that vitamin, either you have too much, or you are allergic to it. If you verbs the supplements and you still feel nauseous after two weeks. You...

Can you touch your snout beside your tongue?
i can.. it's probably my best talent hah Only something like 10% of the population can. You have to have a pointy tongue and smaller oral cavity. I cannot, but can you wiggle your ears? I can't but my friend had the article that...

Can you tournequet your waist to assist near bleeding on an abdominal wound?
It may sound like a stupid grill, and hopefully I don't look like a moron asking it. I am asking for reference contained by a story. Would it make any difference at all if someone, who have a deep gash on his...

Can you train your eyesight to be better to some extent than enjoy laser surgery ?
- i'm about to undergo laser surgery but i hear about some method the other day but cant remember what it be called You can a little, but not plenty to warrant not getting the surgery. No. It...

Can you treat a cut if you liquefy the skin to cover it?
melt skin? u crazy or on something? verbs the cut put a bandage over it & leave it alone to restore to health. no you would be killing the cells consequently setting yourself up for a horrible intection and an even...

Can you treat bee stings near poison ivy?
This guys says you can treat bee stings with poison ivy. I can't find anything on the Internet something like it.. is this true? He says it here: ;poison; in it, it's best to avoid it, don't you...

Can you use a wipe as a decoration aid?
I cut my leg pretty bad and I dont have any company aids... is it okay to tape a pad to my leg? lol I know it seem a little silly but I'm bleeding everywhere! Sure it'll probably do a better brief than a band...

Can you use accupuncture to relieve you quit smoking?
if so, can anyone recommend a good accupuncturist in san francisco cove area? This method works for me and is the single money back guaranteed. I quite smoking 2 years ago Get the Facts Easyway, founded by Allen Carr contained by 1983, has the highest independently...