How to Get Sexy Legs, Toned Arms & a Sexy Stomach

Cutting-Edge News Room

Most people have problem areas, areas of their body they would like to tone up. Universally these areas are the legs, the arms and the stomach. It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman. These are areas of the body that are traditionally associated with one's sexuality. So, what do you do to tone up these areas and make them look like hot tamales?

Improve Your Diet To Improve Your Body

The very first thing you have to do to improve your body is lose excess fat. No matter how much you strength train, if you have too much fat you will simply build muscle under fat. What happens then is the muscle pushes up the fat, so you really don't look much better.

You end up looking like a fat dimply person. So, how do you lose the extra fat? One way some people choose to do this is by adopting a raw foods diet. This is a healthy way to prepare your body to be at its best. To start a raw foods diet many people first undergo a cleanse in order to remove toxins from their bodies. This may involve undergoing a short fast or using a colonic to help remove unwanted wastes or toxins from the body.

A raw foods diet involves eating uncooked foods or foods that are soaked and heated at less than 116 degrees. The idea is that foods cooked at higher temperatures remove important enzymes that help with digestion. Popular foods in the raw foods diet include fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and some grains.

You may find this difficult at first as you will go through some withdrawal symptoms when you cut out the excess fat, sugar and other toxins from your diet. Many people also cut out excess caffeine, which can give you headaches. On the plus side, you will probably notice your weight comes down quite a bit, a nice perk of the raw food diet.

Strength Training

To improve your legs, arms and stomach, you will need to strength train. Cardiovascular exercise can help you lose weight, and can help you tone up a little, but to see dramatic changes in your shape you will need to strength train.

To help gain sexy legs, one of the best exercises you can do is squats. These help improve the shape of your legs and butt. To perform squats you need to stand with your feet slightly wider than hip width apart, and then squat to about a 90 degree angle, and stand again. During this time you need to keep your abdomen tight and straight.

To tone your arms, the best exercise is the oldest exercise in the book, pushups. Pushups also help tone the abdomen when done correctly, because when in the “up” position, your abdomen must work to keep the body parallel with the floor.

An exercise ball can also help tone your abdomen; many people do modified sit-ups on the exercise ball. You can also sit on an exercise ball, which helps strengthen your core because it is difficult to keep your balance on these balls.

Total Body Makeover – Yoga

Some people don't want to spend hours in the gym trying to strengthen each part of their body individually. Who can blame them? Fortunately you don't have to. There are many forms of exercise that can give you sexy legs, a great stomach and toned arms in one sitting. An example of this is yoga. There are many different styles of yoga to choose from, but all will basically help strengthen your body, or at least most. You can talk with the instructor to find out which form will best suit you.

Vigorous yoga practice helps strengthen the core. Because the movements of yoga are very deliberate and challenging, they make each of the muscles of your body work in synergy to help you move through each posture. You use your own body weight as a weight, and then work to hold and balance in various postures. Many people report not only finding their muscle strength improved and their muscles toned, but their legs looking “longer”. This is because yoga and similar exercises like Pilates help lengthen the muscles of the body.

As an added benefit, yoga can help you relax and meditate; helping to decrease the level of stress you carry around daily. If you tend to be high strung or anxious you may find yoga a good way to settle down after a busy day. More and more people are turning to forms of exercise like yoga to not only strengthen and tone their body but also their minds.

Whatever you do make sure you combine your exercise with proper sleep and a healthy diet. Sleep will help prevent you from packing on pounds too! Most people don't realize when they are sleep deprived they tend to eat almost twice as much food as when they are well rested. This is because the body uses the energy from this food to fight the constant fatigue associated with too little sleep.

So remember – to get sexy legs, toned arms and a fabulous stomach, you have to eat well, exercise and get a good night's sleep. That is the secret to everyone's success!

Sincerely yours,
