The Effects Of High Protein Low Carbohydrate Diet

People who fail in losing weight would mostly put it on the diet, that it is not effective and makes them gain weight instead of losing it. The truth is that a high protein low carbohydrate diet is effective as a means of losing weight. Let us go back to the basics about proteins, fats, carbohydrates and what they have to do with weight gain.

The primary source of energy for the human body is carbohydrates, which is composed of starch and sugars and these come in the form of wheat, grains and sweet fruits. Once the energy from carbohydrates is depleted, the next compounds to be used are the proteins, which come from mainly meat, beans, and fish. While they are not being used as energy source, they are being stored in the liver; others are being used as components of enzymes, hormones, cells and body fluids.

Fats are the final source of energy and are only used when all other sources of energy are depleted. Think of them as the storage room of the body's reserves and are only released during times of energy crisis and while not being used are stored in the fatty tissues just below the skin.

Carbohydrates are not really bad as you can see from the above; they are the main act, as they say, to energy utilization. If they are not being used as an energy source, they are metabolized and converted into fats and proteins. This is the reason why you get fat if you do not burn the carbs that you eat; they also get deposited as fats under your skin to give you that flab around your trunk as well as your arms and legs.

The main function of carbohydrates is to provide the body with a ready source of energy, while proteins are the base of most of the body's components and fats are the storage of energy. These substances can be transformed from one form to another, so carbohydrates can be made into protein and fats and vice versa.

When you eat a high protein low carbohydrate diet and do regular exercises, the carbohydrates are easily depleted because of the high energy requirement of exercise, part of the proteins that are eaten are used to build cells, like muscles, hormones, enzymes and body fluids and only a portion of it is converted into energy.

Since there is no more energy to be had proteins, the body releases the fats to be used as the source of energy. Then you take away the flab in your middle as well as your arms and legs as well as the weight that they contribute to your body. Furthermore, since you are exercising regularly, your muscles become toned and larger, and because the fat under the skin is lessened, your muscles become clearly defined giving you that super body look.

It all comes down to keeping with the program of regular exercise and compliance with the high protein low carbohydrate diet to get that body you always want.