How To Make Skin Lighter The Natural And Easy Way

It never fails to amaze me – so many people go on buying creams and lotions to have a fairer skin without trying to understand how these creams work. This is the surest way to waste money on ineffective products and still be stuck with a dark and patchy skin. If you too want to know how to make skin lighter, read on.

To know the answer to the question “how to make skin lighter”, let’s first find out what makes our skin dark and cause patches and blemishes to appear on it.

The color of our skin is determined by a pigment called Melanin. The more melanin in the skin, the darker it will be.

Apart from the melanin in your skin that is determined by hereditary factors, there are other causes too that make your skin darker.

When you spend large amounts of time in the sun, its UV rays increase the production of melanin inside the skin. This causes the skin to become dark.

When the melanin in the skin increases, it tends to get collected in a few places in the upper layer of the skin. That area of the skin then forms dark patches or brown spots which we know as sun spots or age spots.

The solution

Many people go about applying bleaching creams on their skin to make it lighter.

Initially, these creams may seem to work well. But their dark side emerges after some time. The chemicals that these creams contain are very harmful for the skin and can cause some serious side effects like leukemia, thyroid disorders and liver damage.

That’s why it is recommended to opt for natural ways to lighten your skin. This is how to make skin lighter without side effects and in a natural manner.

Look for natural substances likeExtrapone Nutgrassin your cream. This Indian plant has been used in traditional Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine since centuries. It significantly reduces the melanin content in the skin and makes it naturally lighter in color.

Phytessence Wakameis a Japanese sea kelp that protects the skin from the UV rays of the sun and controls the melanin content in the skin. It also nourishes the skin with plenty of vitamins and minerals and keeps it healthy.

Avocado Oilis a natural oil that moisturizes the skin deeply. It is also effective at removing the spots and blemishes from the skin and makes it lighter.

Now that you know how to make skin lighter naturally, make sure to stay away from harmful chemical laden creams. To know more about quality natural ingredients, visit my website now.