Whole Food vs. Synthetic Supplements

In my last article, “Why Do We Need To Take Supplements” , we discussed the importance of taking natural supplements to support our body and our immune system.  But which supplements do we take and how do we know which supplements are the best ones?  With billions being spent every year on supplements, it is very important you understand that not all supplements are created equal….there are sometimes very vast differences between one product and another.

So let’s talk about the difference between “Whole Food Based” and “Synthetic or Isolated or Fractionated” Supplements.  A great example would be just to simply look at almost any Multi-Vitamin.  When you scan the nutritional content fact and ingredient label, you’ll see quite an assortment of vitamins….Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, etc.  Here is a portion of a label from a common multi-vitamin:


Now obviously there are alot more vitamins listed on this label than I had room for, but I think you get the idea.  Specifically, I want you to pay attention to the items listed under “Ingredients”.  Those are what we call “Isolated” vitamins and other “chemicals”.  There are no foods or herbal ingredients listed; onlypartialvitamins and other chemicals.  Nature intended for us to consume food in its WHOLE form because all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes are together in one package and work synergistically together to bring your body the nutrition that it needs.  When you take one part away from the whole, you get “Synthetic”, “Isolated” or “Fractionated” pieces of the whole, but it is simply not the same.   The other problem is that by taking isolated vitamins, sometimes we are getting “massive” doses of some vitamins, but not enough of others.   Over time, this can cause health problems too and aren’t we trying to get healthy rather than causemoreproblems?

Whole-Food based supplements are different.  Typically, they will list the foods that the supplement was made from.  Here is an example of what to look for when searching for a Whole-Food based product.  Notice that under the supplemental facts, you’ll still see all the Vitamins listed, but see the difference under the Ingredients….now, there is actual WHOLE food listed:


What a difference this 2nd product will make in your body vs. the first product!  You’ll actually be gaining benefits from the WHOLE food and all of the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes that occur naturally in the food or plant.

Another way that might make sense is to look at the source.  When it says “Vitamin C” on the label, what is the source of that Vitamin C?  What you want to see listed in the ingredient list is the foods; i.e., Citrus Fruits, Papaya, Bell Peppers, etc.  If you see “Ascorbic Acid” listed, that means it is an “Isolated” product.  Keep searching for one that lists the whole foods.

In summary, be sure you read your labels!  It is important to educate yourself about what you’ll be putting into your body and supplements are no different than anything else.   In one of my prior articles, “Reading Food Labels” , we discussed the importance of reading the labels on the foods you’re eating, but it’s just as important if not more so, to be sure you’re reading all of your supplemental labels!  You want to be consuming supplements that have actual whole food, plants or herbs listed on the label; that way you know it is as close to natural as possible!  And lastly, understand that no supplement alone will help you achieve the level of health you desire….you will have to make lifestyle and behavior changes AND take supplements in order to achieve ultimate health.