Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss

I wanted to take the time to talk to you about intermittent fasting weight loss. This is a pretty new diet that allows you to eat the same types of food and lose weight. The only difference is that you're going to have times of fasting. A recent study has brought this type of eating into the spot light after it showed participants, unknowingly, losing weight and having better health. From this they concluded that people eating this type of diet would live longer. It's pretty exciting stuff, even though it's one study that has come out on this subject. I'm going to share a little about this to help you make an educated decision on whether you should follow it.

Basically, all the intermittent fasting is, is a eat, fast, eat diet structure. You can eat what you want during the times of eating. It doesn't matter how sugary or greasy your diet is, you're allowed to eat it. For a 24hr period, you get to eat what you want. Than the next 24hrs you go on a fast where you just get water. This than turns into a cycle where you eat, stop, eat. You don't actually starve yourself, if that is what you're thinking. People end up eating two days worth of food on their eat day.

I think it probably works much better with our biology for the simple reason of how primitive man used to eat. It is well known that the "caveman" would of went out hunting and if they caught a meal, they'd have a big feast, but if nothing was caught, than they had to go without. I think it's very probable that our biology is aligned to an intermittent fasting weight loss diet.