A Few Reasons Why We Experience Poor Digestion

A healthy diet is a major component of a healthy lifestyle. Everything that we eat gets digested and absorbed by countless organs in our body. Our digestive system is responsible for absorbing and breaking down all that we consume throughout the day. So maintaining a healthy digestive tract is crucial to our health. If our digestive tract is functioning poorly, all other organs in our body are not getting the proper nutrition. So what are some of the reasons why we experience poor digestion?

Eating too quickly is one of the first reasons why we experience poor digestion. When we eat fast, we don’t chew our food thoroughly. When our food is not chewed properly, our digestive tract has to work twice as hard to break the food down. Second reason behind poor digestion is fluid intake with meals. When we drink any type of liquid with our meals we are diluting the acids which break down the fat. When we dilute these acids, our digestive tract is unable to break down the foods properly. There have been some mixed beliefs regarding this particular circumstance; however, majority believes that beverages should be saved until the meal is consumed.

The third reason behind poor digestion is eating while under stress. When we are stressed we tend to indulge in fattening foods even though we are not hungry. Munching on calorie laden foods has been proven to be comforting yet unnecessary. So if you are feeling stressed, try to munch on something healthy and easy to digest, such as veggie sticks. And last but certainly not least remember not to eat late at night; as the day turns into night, our processes slow down, including our digestion. So if you eat a meal a ten o’clock at night, that meal will not be properly digested and your organs will have to work twice as hard to even attempt to break down the food. If you feel like you suffer from poor digestion, you should make sure that you don’t make any of these simple mistakes.