If you've been stammering or stuttering for many years, chances are you currently see yourself as a stutterer, as someone with a speech impediment or a problem speaking in various situations at various times.  You may use possessive or first person words like, "my stuttering", or "when I stutter", etc.  In this article I'm going to share with you how you can use this information to help you stop stuttering.

During the 20 years or so that I stuttered, I saw, thought and acted like a person with a speech impediment.  Why?  Because, every time I stuttered this belief was reinforced. However the process started, it eventually became a loop.  I would think that I was going to stutter (even when I didn't want to) and, no surprise, I would stutter.  Then, because I had stuttered the belief that I was going to stutter again was reinforced even more.

Do you see the loop?  This circular thinking constantly reinforced the belief about myself that "I was a stutterer."  At that time I actually said, "I am a stutterer."  Even now I am very careful not to utter those words because they are very powerful!

This belief about yourself in the area of speaking is what we call your self-concept.  You have one for each and every area of your life.  You have a self-concept for how you walk, work, love, relate, speak, play sports, play certain aspects of sports and so forth.  This self-concept both determines and reflects your thinking and feeling in that area of your life.  Your job #1 is to understand this concept and begin to change it.  It doesn't matter if you believe or agree with this because it is simply who we are and how work function.

In my program, "How To Stop Stuttering & Start Speaking" I actually teach you HOW to change your self-concept in the area of speaking so that you no longer see yourself as a stutterer, but as an excellent speaker; as someone who speaks easily and well.  So, how is this a "cure" for stuttering and how is it close?

The cure for your stuttering is literally within you.  Sure, you may need some encouragement, a strategy to follow, but you already have the inner resources you need to stop stuttering.  My job is to bring out those resources and help you move from thinking, speaking and acting as a stutterer to seeing, thinking and talking like someone who is an excellent speaker.  This is possible.  I know you can do it.

For information on,

"How To Stop Stuttering & Start Speaking"

Visit: StopStuttering.PresentWithPower.net