A Magic Elixir to Erase Wrinkles From Your Face

Healthy beauty is not only in the eye of the beholder, but in the belly of the bee and the bottom of the milk bottle.

Indeed, bee-based beauty with its natural astringent and emollient properties belongs on ever tongue, lip, cheek and brow.

The ancient Egyptians looked upon the bees and their products as the source of eternal health and life. And in recent times, healing substances from the beehive have been used successfully in scientific laboratories as well as hospitals.

According to the World Congress of Agriculturists, bee pollen, royal jelly, propolis and honey are natural and curative healers. All have high prophylactic properties that help to halt or control the aging process and because of their high vitamin and potassium content, they nourish the skin, promote moisture, prevent and erase wrinkles and skin eruptions. There are no bacteria in the beehive because the propelis seals out invaders.

How do you test honey’s power to beautify while healing in a few days? Soak unfiltered small pad of cotton or wool with raw honey over skin eruption such as acne. Repeat often, especially after washing. Leave on overnight. Or apply honey to gauze and wrap this dressing around blemishes. Renew daily until eruption disappear.

How to become naturally beautiful? Simply by having a youthful and luminous skin. But how can you achieve it? Learn more by checking out Dr. Mercola’s " All Natural Skin Care Products !