4 Home Exercises for Great Legs

To keep legs in good shape and condition requires daily exercise.

Here are four basic movements designed to trim and firm them. Do each a few times at first, and work up to twenty minutes for the group.

This is the sort of attention legs ideally require; not only will shape improve, but health benefits by keeping circulation at an invigorating level.

1. All fours stretch: (for thighs and buttocks).

Position yourself on hands and knees with back straight, arms rigid; bend left knee forward and up to chest, then extend back, stretching in line with buttocks. Do ten times without touching floor. Repeat with other leg.

2. Angled kneeling: (for thighs and legs).

Kneel on floor with back straight, arms at shoulder level; keeping body in a straight line with bottom tucked under and hips forward, slowly lean back as far as possible - without straining thighs, without collapsing.
As thighs become stronger, you'll be able to go further back. Return to vertical position. Repeat 8 times.

3. Knee bends: (legs and thighs).

Stand with feet a little apart, palms on thighs; raise toes, then bend knees pushing them outwards and lower the body to a crouching position, straighten legs, lower heels. Repeat at first ten times and gradually work up to as many as possible.

4. Knee bounce: (for knees and calves).

Sit on floor with legs spread in a wide V; bend knees slightly, drawing heels in towards you; stretch legs and bounce backs of knees on floor twice; bring legs together, straight in front, bounce knees on floor twice. Repeat ten times.