Max Gxl Glutathione Supplements

Did you know that anti oxidants are the most important disease fighting and cell building substances in the body?

Did you know that one of the body’s most important antioxidants – glutathione, is actually produced in the body itself?

Did you know that glutathione can combat the effects of stress, pollution, toxins, poor diet, drugs, fight free radicals, cancer, male fertility, and a host of diseases related to ageing, including Alzheimer’s?

Did you also know that after the age of 20, your body’s production of glutathione will decrease by as much as 8-12% each decade?

Did you know that it is now possible to counter all of this? This is made possible with Max International’s MAX GXL. Sure, health supplements have been around for quite some time, and glutathione supplements are not that new. In fact, most of you are already consuming glutathione supplements orally or intravenously. However, you may not know that that’s not enough. Why? Well, glutathione is manufactured inside each and every cell in the body. This is why it is the most important antioxidant – since its right at the heart of the battlefield. It is in the optimum position to neutralize free radicals, which can cause lots of damage to cells and lead to all other problems.

Consuming glutathione orally causes it to be broken down in the digestive tract and much of it is lost. Taking these supplements intravenously, although a better option, does not supply glutathione to each and every cell. MAX GXL overcomes all these barriers, since it is not glutathione itself, but a glutathione precursor. This means that Max GXL does not supply the body with glutathione, but enables the body to begin or increase its production in the cells. As such, there is a higher chance of it beginning to work faster and better.

Max GXL is therefore the preferred choice of many when it comes to glutathione. However, it is essential to consult a doctor before starting any such treatment or regimen. Although glutathione’s benefits are undisputed, its intake is often questioned, especially with those suffering from milk protein intolerance or those having undergone an organ transplant. Nevertheless, if your doctor does recommend it, no doubt it will be MAX GXL.