Renew Mind, Body and Spirit With A Low-Cost, High-Impact Energy-Healing "Staycation"
Whether or not you go on vacation this summer, you still need a break from your routines. It's important for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
So if you can't take a vacation, create an energy-healing "staycation." Set aside a week or two where you take time off from your normal activities (work, etc.) and shake up your usual routine. Schedule a lot of low-cost self-care activities that will help to clear, balance, and revitalize your energy. (And don't let anyone or anything pre-empt them with their own agenda!)
Here are some ideas for activities to get you started: - Make time for daily meditation and reflection.
- Get out into nature for a hike or a day at the beach (preferably an uncrowded one).
- Take time to practice some self-energy-healing techniques.
- Read that inspirational book you've been meaning to get to.
- Visit an uplifting friend.
- Go stargazing.
- Listen for your intuition.
- Do yoga.
- Find some new recipes and make a point of pampering yourself with deliciousandhealthy food.
- Plant some vegetables.
- Take on a rewarding home or garden project that will make you feel GREAT when it's accomplished.
- Take a class.
- Write in your journal.
- Schedule some fun and healthy self-care activities such as a massage, facial, new haircut, or (of course!) energy healing.
- Buy yourself small, healthy treats--a new book, fun article of summer clothing, flowers for your house--whatever would please you. (But don't spend a lot of time shopping! That's an energy-drain.)
- Go sight-seeing in your own town or region.
- Create some art--whether or not you're "artistic." Just play!
- If you've got little kids, just follow them around and do what they do. They're great role models!
- Start a dream journal.
- Begin to forgive someone.
- Devote a whole day to loving-kindness--toward yourself. No bad thoughts or words about yourself--only compassion, forgiveness, and cherishing toward yourself.
- Breathe!
- Nap!
Many of these ideas may not seem like energy healing as we normally think of it--as a kind of treatment. But everyday activities can and do have an enormous influence on our energy systems--for better or for worse. Consciously engaging in positive, restorative activities can have a huge impact on your energy field. Fun is good for you!
So be sure to set aside time this summer to take care of yourself. It will help clear and restore your energy field--and you'll be healthier in body, mind, heart, and spirit because of it.
Copyright 2010 by Nancy Hausauer. All rights reserved.