The happiness of your dog is in your hands

Sure, you love your dog, but it is even more important to make him happy. If it were enough to love your dog so that it is happiness, this article would surely no reason to be. Everything would be better in the best of worlds. Alas The reality is quite different.

All the teachers I met during my career liked their dog. Yet they were unable or failed to give them true happiness.

But then, what is a happy dog? This dog is in perfect harmony with his surroundings and who knows how to accept life changes and adapts easily to circumstances.
I ask the same question in reverse: why harmonization or adaptation is she evil in the dog?

Two cases arise:
- Either the dog carries a stigma, in this case you can not do much,
- Whatever, it has suffered from a lack of experience, is a dog that has learned to live, where he had experiences with conflicting conclusions, unclear, or even traumatic, both in the and physically and emotionally, is a dog more or less destabilized.

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Specifically, how do we recognize it. A multitude of signs exist, I will present some sufficient features:
Dogs who can not stop playing, biting, to the joys, barking at nothing, that do not support the approach that we, who have various phobias (cars, unusual presence of an object , shot ...), which are withdrawn, shy or too frightened, dogs bulimic or who do not eat or too irregular, or hidden that will not eat the night, or who prefer their meals to their droppings, dogs destroying or biting without reason, dogs that lick the same spot, sleeping too much or too little or who exhibit bizarre behavior (on an object or appear to have hallucinations).
I stop here this tedious enumeration. All these events are all warning signs that must lead you to see.

From this moment what will happen?
The specialist will work to correct problems based on their origin. If he believes the important behavioral problem, he will explain how to restore adequate living conditions for your dog. It may help each drug, an educator confirmed.

There, among the possible approaches, an approach too often neglected and yet so effective: traditional Chinese medicine. She joined the canine psyche all the troubles that the dog may suffer, regardless of the order. It can relieve most of the serious problems of our beloved companions.