Infant Constipation Causes, Infant Constipation Treatment

Infant constipation, like constipation in adults, is a common cause of abdominal pain in this age group. Children can have a very wide range of variations in the frequency at which they open their bowel. Constipation can occur in the newborn, infant, toddler, or indeed a child of any age.

Most breast fed infants have loose stools, but some are prone to infrequent bowel movements. Constipation is most often caused by a low-fiber diet, lack of physical activity, inadequate intake of fluid each day, or delay in going to the bathroom when you have the urge to defecate.

Constipation is one of the most common types of digestive upsets, but it can often be accompanied by heartburn and stomach cramps. Constipation is experienced when digestion becomes awkward, painful, prolonged and irregular - though irregularity is not necessarily a characteristic of constipation.


Constipation can be caused by numerous things including stress, insufficient fibre in the diet, not enough liquid intake, excess protein, refined foods, or no exercise. It can also be caused by the under functioning of the liver or thyroid.

Other causes include pregnancy, metabolic disorders, structural abnormalities, antacids, old age and constant use of laxatives. Constipation can also be a side effect of some medications.

Sudden blockages, bleeding or changes in bowel habits must be checked by a medical practitioner.


Constipation generally can be treated by changing to a well balanced diet high in fibre with at least 6-8 glasses of water daily and regular exercise.

A glass of hot water with the juice of half a lemon squeezed into it, especially when taken in the morning can be very beneficial, especially if followed by a walk.


Aloe gel ~ Dandelion ~ Psyllium ~ Senna ~ Yellow dock ~ Chamomile (to relax intestinal muscles)

An ideal breakfast would be fruit such as prunes or figs with cereal and rice bran. Another suggestion would be buckwheat seeds cooked with raisins, apple and cinnamon. Rice bran is preferred over wheat bran as wheat bran can be difficult to digest and can also contribute to haemorrhoids. For most people, bran acts as a fibre laxative but for sensitive people it can actually cause constipation and bloating, especially when fluid intake is inadequate. If these breakfasts don't appeal, you can try any cereal with some psyllium powder sprinkled over.

The best advice—stick to nature’s way where your child’s health is concerned. Women have been breastfeeding for many thousands of years and their bodies were designed specifically with this function in mind. All the NASA technology, Internet innovation, genetic engineering, and chemical manipulations in the world have yet to improve on the natural biological structure and benefits of mother’s milk. Breast-fed infants reap many boons from mother’s milk: vastly increased immunological factors, fewer earaches and infections, greater hardiness and growth, easier digestibility and absorption of nutrients, improved social and emotional adjustment, and reduced chances of becoming constipated just to name a few.