Stop Snoring With the Atlas-t Pillow

The Atlas-T Pillow is a breakthrough in sleep technology featuring AXS Support and Resilient Core Technology® (RCT) provided by Back 2 Sleep LLC which is based in Florida. The design of the Atlas-T Pillow is incredible!

A “precise” 16 degree angle to the Pillow’s AXS “hump”. 16 degrees is the most effective angle to support the neck in relation to the spine for maximizing airway patency per findings supported by an international “evidence-based” research study as well as CT scans performed and read by independent radiologists. We also have reason to believe this angle maintains the proper spine-to-neck sleeping posture.

An integrated ramp that raises and positions the spine for AXS posture; the ramp is unique to our Pillow. It “positions” the person on the pillow so the neck can be supported while the head is sloped gently backward—but still raised above the spine. Chiropractors know foam “tube” pillows will provide AXS support but work only for short periods suited to “resting”, not sleeping. Tube pillows only support the neck but allow the back to lie flat and the head fall backward “aggressively” (read uncomfortably). The combination of a flat back, full neck support at the AXS but an unsupported falling-back head is not conducive to restful sleep. The ramp is there to comfortably support the upper back and muscles that attach to the cervical and thoracic spines, shoulder blades, and shoulders.

A soft, supporting head rest is located superior to behind the AXS area piece. This feature “gently and comfortably” transfers all the weight of the head from the neck muscles and AXS joint to the Pillow. Further, this design provides maximum comfort by allowing the head to turn to either side and still breathe properly and freely.

Varying foam densities allow the Pillow and body to work in unison. Firm density foam provides resistance to the body to maximize neck support and maintain correct AXS posture. Soft density foam allows pliability for the body to mold the Pillow for comfort in all other areas. The AXS Pillow is taking this queue from the body’s natural design of having longer, less thinner muscles in areas where we need pliability (think derrière), and denser, harder muscles where we need support and resistant forces (think arm and legs). We have the only pillow that integrates different foam densities like the body.