Here Are the Best Free Weight Exercises for Skinny Guys to Bulk up Fast

It is widely shared that free weight exercises are the best for skinny guys who be after to build up some muscles, in the shortest amount of time. But what are the best exercises? Here are your answers to what are the best free weight exercises that will help skinny guys add bulk fast.

If you are skinny and want to work on different muscle groups at the same time, free weight exercises will build whole body strength and are a great idea. However, most exercise programs out there aren't made for skinny guys and may not work as advertised. Thin guys must meet different requirements when choosing which exercises to maximize muscle progress.

Here are the peak free weight exercises for each muscle group that you need to work on to get that skinny guy body into a well-defined mass of muscle these exercises should be done in the following sequence in order to get the best results:

• Chest: Bench Press and Flat Dumbbell Chest Press. The bench press is the fundamental weight lifting exercise for anyone who wants to build chest muscle. Chest presses build mass, give form and helps in overall chest development.

• Back: Bent Over Barbell Rows and Close Grip Chin Ups. Chin ups are harsh, but that's precisely why they're the appropriate for working the muscles in the back. Lifting and pulling your own weight against gravity works up the last (broad muscles of the back) best. These also work on your arms as you'll be lifting and pulling with them.

• Shoulders: Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press and Standing Military Press. Works on the front and side deltoid muscles. Weights from shoulder-level are lifted overhead and lowered to starting position. The seated version will require stricter form and movement.

• Triceps: Dips and Triceps Press downs. Done with an overhead pulley machine, with locked elbows, this strict exercise will blast your triceps.

• Biceps: Standing Barbell Curls and Incline Bicep Curls. Barbell curls should never be missed from free weight exercises when looking to improve biceps; these should start all bicep workouts.

• Quads: Squats and Lunges. Squats are a multi-joint exercise that works out the whole of your legs, quads, and hamstrings. These work out the thighs, and with heavier weights, help to make your legs more powerful and better formed.

• Hips: Deadlifts and Stiff Leg Deadlifts. A deadlift is as basic as a weightlifting exercise can get. But only lifting a large heavy barbell straight up from the floor isn't as easy as it sounds; this exercise requires correct form and proper execution. It strengthens your hips, back, legs, and grip.

• Lower Back: This exercise gives your hamstrings and lower back a good stretching while also working out your abs.

• Calves: Standing Calve Raises. With weights on your shoulders, you lift your body with strength from your calves. Your well-built thighs would look even better with muscled calves to complement them.

• Abdominals: Weighted Ball Sit-ups and Weighted Cable Crunches. Sit-ups and crunches are part of the core to any abdominal exercise. The use of weighted balls and cables add a little crisis to the exercise, making you use more muscles to do them.

You'll notice that these exercises work on more than one muscle or muscle group at a time. These are compound free weight exercises, training numerous main muscle set at the same time, giving you a more easy and full-bodied work out. The right advice is to combine this entire workout when working out.

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