How Accurate are Dna Paternity Test Results?

One major question that rises in the mind of people when they look into paternity testing is how accurate thepaternity testresults are? No DNA paternity test can ever be 100% accurate however how much accuracy can you expect from your paternity test results and what should you expect from a DNA testing lab?

The accuracy of paternity test results depends on how many logics (or points) are tested on the DNA segments of the alleged father and child; the higher the number of points, the greater the accuracy that can be obtained.

No DNA paternity lab can promise you 100% accurate test results however DNA paternity test results should be at least 99.9% accurate. You can rest assured that if the test comes back positive or negative, it is right. These tests are legally admissible which means that if you aren't the father according to the test then you are not the father according the law and vice versa.

If you are uncertain about the your child's paternity and you desperately need answers but don't know where to turn or you considering getting a paternity test however are unsure about how they work, then Ormond Quay Paternity Services (OQPS) can help you.

Ormond Quay Paternity Services (OQPS) is leading paternity test providers in Ireland. OQPS provides confidential and quality information about home and medical paternity tests. The company understands that the results of DNA Paternity testing can have an intense impact on individual, their partner and their family. Hence at OQPS every case is treated with the highest quality of care to provide an accurate and reliable DNA testing service to all clients.

In conclusion, although paternity test results can never be 100% accurate however you should look for at least 99% accuracy and preferably closer to 99.99%. Accuracy is obtained through testing a larger number of points and good DNA testing labs usually test about 16.

To know more about paternity test or if you want to avail DNA test services, please visit the site , one of the leading DNA testing services providers in Ireland.