Ph Balance Products to Maintain Ph Balance in the Body

In order to maintain suitable ph balance in the body, nutritionists suggest 80% of dietary intake should be alkaline and 20% acidic. Sadly, most people eat too many acidic foods which eventually take the body out of balance. Having stress also affects the pH levels in the body, further increasing body acidity.
The pH scale goes from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. Below 7 is acidic and above 7 is alkaline. A human being's blood Ph level is meant to stay at 7, so the body is constantly working to maintain that level, no matter what you consume.

Generally we must have enough alkalinity to neutralize incoming or body made acids. When we don't, our body will defend itself against the acid, causing so many health problems. The alkalinity or acidic properties of a food comes into play when our body burns them for fuel. Consuming too many acidic foods like white flour, refined sugars, dairy products, meat, fish, butter, chocolate, nuts (not all of them, but most), plums, prunes, cranberries, coffee and alcohol cause the Ph level of the blood to become overly acidic, therefore, out of balance. This can lead to all sorts of health problems, not the least of which is bone weakness.

Supergreens with prime pH is one of the quickest ways to restore or maintain pH balance in body. If the body is too acidic, the most important kind of food we need to be eating is green foods. Green foods contain high amounts of water, alkaline elements, ample amounts of fiber and oxidants and low levels of sugars. Other alkaline forming foods include almond, apple, avocados, banana, beans, Brazil nuts, broccoli, cantaloupe, carrots and other green vegetables and fruits.

What we have to understand is that acid is the base of all diseases and illness, if we have a balanced alkaline ph, viruses and bacteria cannot grow in our body. These are some measures that can help us balance our PH; however you should consult your doctor for professional advice.

To know more about pH Balance, please visit the site