There are different kinds of psoriasis and hence there can be several symptoms associated with the skin condition. However, these symptoms would vary from one person to another, based on the severity of the ailment. The most common symptom of psoriasis involves red and raised skin patches that are often accompanied by layers of scaly skin. These loose scales of psoriasis are usually silvery or white in colour, but in a few cases these appear yellowish. People who are affected with severe psoriasis would often find scales or patches on various parts of the body. Some of the commonly affected parts are the hands, elbows, feet, knees, scalp as well as the lower back.

For the most part, people who have psoriasis also get the condition on their scalp. Scalp psoriasis can occur independently also and the symptoms include crusted and thick plaques on the surface of the skin. These plaques are generally visible around the line of hair.

All kinds of psoriasis are accompanied by itching. The illness can bring in sudden flares, which leads to discomfort for the patient. The plaques found between the skin folds can be pretty worse and lead to extreme irritation. In a few cases, small amounts of bleeding can also occur, especially if the skin scales are picked at or scrapped off. Conditions affecting the toe nails and finger nails should also be expected as a part of psoriasis. Yellow coloured nails with white little pits on them are signs of this skin condition.