G-jo Acupressure: Instant Relief With the Touch of a Finger

With the discovery that aspirin and other over-the-counter remedies can be easily abused -- often with dangerous side-effects -- health-conscious people are beginning to look toward natural alternatives for pain relief and aids to healing. One of the most effective of these alternatives is known as G-Jo.

This ancient Chinese "self-health" technique is a form of acupuncture without needles (acupressure). It is safe and natural ... and it usually works instantly to relieve most minor aches, pains and other discomforts you might otherwise self-treat with a non-prescription remedy such as aspirin.

There are nearly 200 G-Jo points -- pin-head sized spots that "control" specific bodily areas or functions -- scattered around the human body. (All the many G-Jo Acupressure points are illustrated and described in The Master of G-Jo Acupressure Home-Study Certification Program -- ). When you know the right G-Jo point that controls the ailing bodily area you simply "trigger" that spot in the special G-Jo way and relief follows immediately.

While there are sometimes as many as twenty or more G-Jo points for a specific symptom (e.g., headaches, low back pains, indigestion and such), there are usually one or two "best" points that not only bring prompt relief but actually stimulate the body's own self-healing mechanisms, as well.

G-Jo is a simple, three-step-process. Step one is to find the right acupressure point that controls the affected bodily area. This is done by probing deeply -- as deeply as you can (using up to 20 lbs. of fingertip pressure) -- in the general area where the point is located. Use the tip of the thumb (or, if you have a long thumbnail, the bent knuckle of the index finger or the eraser end of a pencil will work equally well) and probe until you contact a tender "ouch point." It should feel like a toothache or pinched nerve when you find it. But since the points are tiny (only about the size of a pinhead), you must use specific pressure: if you miss the spot by even a quarter of an inch, this technique won't be effective. And the sensitivity you'll feel when you contact the spot is the only way you'll know you've found it.

Step two is to trigger the spot deeply. Do it in a deep, digging, goading kind of fingertip massage. The more sensitive and tender the point, the more likely it is to be a good control point. If it makes you feel warm, break out in a sheen of perspiration or feel a bit lightheaded, so much the better. These are called "acupressure reactions" and usually occur with the right triggering of a good point. Do this deep stimulation for about 15 to 30 seconds, then stop.

Now step three: Find and trigger the identical spot on the opposite side of the body (nearly always, these points are duplicated bilaterally -- that is, on either side of the body). Then "test" your symptom(s). The pain or discomfort should be gone, or nearly so. If there's a bit of discomfort remaining, go back and trigger the same points again for another 30 seconds or so, and test again. The discomfort should be totally "erased."
If -- and when -- the target symptom returns, simply trigger the best G-Jo point again. You should get increasing spans of "relief time" -- often as much as several hours or longer. A G-Jo point may be triggered a maximum of four minutes -- if you get no relief by then, it's probably the wrong point.

Safe and easy as it is, not everyone should make broad use of this technique (though the
following rules may be ignored in emergency situations). You should generally avoid the use of G-Jo if:

You are a pregnant woman, especially beyond your third month of pregnancy;

You are a chronic heart patient, especially one who wears a pacemaker or similar energy-regulating device;

You take regular daily medications for serious health problems (e.g. cancer, diabetes, etc.-- acupressure and medicines usually don't "mix" well).

And you should also:
Wait about four hours after taking drugs, medications, alcohol or other intoxicants before applying G-Jo...

Wait for about half an hour after taking a hot bath, eating a heavy meal or doing strenuous exercise before applying G-Jo...

Avoid any G-Jo points which fall beneath scars, moles, warts, varicose veins, blemishes, etc. -- use only the opposite point.

If you have to use G-Jo more than four or five times daily -- or for more than four days in a row -- for an apparently minor problem, it usually means you're either not using the best G-Jo point or that your symptoms may be more serious than you think, and it's time to see your doctor or other health care professional.

There are at least six "basic" points that everyone should know. Each of these control large portions of the body. While not always the best G-Jo points for a specific symptom, one or another of them can usually bring remarkable relief for most minor (acute) or emergency symptoms one is likely to encounter in his or her life. Three of these points are found on the hands and arms, three on the feet and legs. Download the free Basic G-Jo Training Chart from our website .


Use G-Jo point #7. This point is located about three inches above the bony bulge of the inner ankle (medial malleolus). Press deeply between the inner, rear edge of the "shin bone" (tibia) and the calf muscle until you contact a very tender area. This is G-Jo Point #7. Then trigger in the digging, goading fingertip massage as deeply as you can tolerate for a few seconds. You should obtain relief by the time you finish triggering this point on both lower legs.

Use G-Jo Point #13. On the back of the hand, probe deeply in the fleshy area between the thumb and index (pointer) finger until you feel the tender, aching "ouch point." Then trigger the spot for up to 30 seconds; and duplicate the same find-and-trigger process on the other hand. Total or near-total relief should immediately follow. This point has many other uses (as do the rest of the G-Jo points described in this article). In fact, this is a good point to try for nearly any distress that occurs above the waist.

Trigger G-Jo Point #116. Press about two inches beyond (distal to) the crease of the elbow on the outside (or "hairy side") of the forearm, in approximate line with middle (third) finger. Since this a judo disabling point, it will be tender on everyone ... but particularly sensitive if you are prone to neck and shoulder discomfort. Massage this spot deeply for a few seconds, then repeat the process on the opposite arm. (And sigh with relief!)