Colon Hydrotherapy or Colonic Irrigation Therapy to Restore Optimum Health

" target="_self" Colon hydrotherapy is a method for cleansing the body of these potentially harmful substances which the colon has not be able to discharge by natural peristalsis.While not a cure for any disease or ailment, it may be considered an important adjunctive therapy to help you rejuvenate and maintain your overall health.

If you think your current health status could be improved by cleansing your colon... then colon hydrotherapy is an alternative ready to assist you in accomplishing this goal Simple. A colonic is much like an enema, the difference being a colonic can actually clean the entire large intestine.

Anenemais generally for cleaning only the descending colon, which is only approximately a third of the colon. An enema can give some relief but a colonic is noticeably more effective. Not only is colon hydrotherapy used for cleaning of the colon, but also toning the colon to improve peristalsis. This toning helps reshape the colon that may be distorted.Colon hydrotherapy is a gentle internal bath that cleanses and detoxifies.

Our modern day life is stressful and we often eat food that is unhealthy out of convenience, which can result in a sluggish and ineffective digestive system. Other causes can be rushing our food and not chewing properly. The average person can be carrying as much as 6kg in excess weight in undigested food.

Colon Hydrotherapy or " target="_self" Colonic Irrigation is an alternative therapy used to cleanse, maintain and restore optimum colon health.Colon Hydrotherapy, also colonic irrigation, offers an excellent opportunity to restore and maintain optimum colon health in your life.

Enema, colon lavage, clystersare generally self-administered and  only involve the cleansing and evacuation of the lower sigmoid colon and rectum. Not as thorough a cleanse but still of  benefit.Colonic irrigation, colon hydrotherapy, high colonic generally involve the use of low-pressure water (created mechanically or by gravity) and administered in the presence of, and/or with the assistance of a trained colonic therapist.