Tips for a good blood donation experience

Blood Donation

1. Check whether you are eligible to donate

As there is a set of criteria you have to meet to be eligible to donate blood that is healthy and free from diseases that can be transmitted by blood, do check if you fulfil them before you go for the donation.

The criteria are:

·You are healthy on the day you wish to donate blood.

·You are 18 to 65 years old. (Those above 17-years-old can donate with the consent of their guardians or parents)

·You weigh above 45kg.

·You slept for more than five hours the day before.

·You have eaten some food in the past four hours before the blood donation.

·It has been at least three months after your last blood donation.

·You do not have any medical problems. (You can discuss them with the medical officer present if you have them.)

·You are not on any medications.

·For women, you are not having your period for the past three days.

·You are not pregnant or breastfeeding.

·You are not a MSM (a man who has sex with men).

·You do not take part in high-risk behaviours (e.g. have multiple sexual partners – more than one within six months, or have sex with sex workers.)

·You do not have tattoos, ear/body piercing or acupuncture within 12 months.

·You have not stayed in the UK and Europe during 1980 to 1996.

2. Just before you donate

·Get a good night's sleep.

·Have a good breakfast or lunch.

·Drink extra water and fluids (avoid tea, coffee, or other beverages with caffeine).

·Eat iron-rich foods: red meat, fish, poultry or liver, beans, green leafy vegetables.

·Avoid fatty foods, such as hamburgers and fries before donating. As tests for infections (done on all donated blood) can be affected by fatty materials (lipids) that appear in your blood (for several hours after fatty foods), the required testing cannot be performed and your blood may need to be discarded