Why Fit Employees Are Better

Workplace fitness is an investment that business owners and managers should consider for their employees, as they are their biggest asset! By implementing a workplace fitness program , employees can embrace their daily experience at work and be encouraged to apply their skills as best as possible in their careers.

Here are 7 things to remember when it comes to workplace fitness and fit employees:

  1. Fitemployeesexperience less stress thanemployeesthat are out of shape. Some companies allowemployeesto exercise during their lunch break atcorporatefitnesscenters or bring in a Personal Trainer to run group training classes at the workplace in order to distress and refocus on the tasks at hand. Stress management systems can also be put in place to aidemployeesin their efforts to remove harmful stressors in their lives.
  2. Fitemployeeshavebetterattitudes around the office. A positive attitude can be contagious and inspire others to become the best person they possibly can.Physicalfitnessactivities such as running, jogging, swimming, lifting weights, yoga, and other athletic activitiescan be inspiration and helpemployeesfocus on the reasons why they are working and enjoy their lives more fully.
  3. Fitemployeesare more confident. When it comes to self-confidence, nothing is more visible than an employee's physical self-image. Whenemployeesare healthy andfit, they look and act more confident. This can be crucial for sales positions, account management, and other groups of individuals that must interact face-to-face with their clients or potential clients. Likewise, supporting staff such as customer service, information technology, and on-the-job workers can benefit from a healthy image as it helps them feelbetterabout themselves and the work they are doing.
  4. Fitemployeesare healthier and absent less often. By taking care of our bodies, we can experience less downtime and be more productive day in and day out. The number one reason whyemployeesare absent from work is because they are physically or emotionally sick. Beingfitraises the antibodies in our system and helps us fight harmful biochemicals that cause the flu and carry viruses.
  5. Fitemployeesare more likely to have goals and achieve them. Anyone who goes to the gym consistently knows that it takes dedication, focus, and goals. Consistency is key when it comes to keeping your body healthy. Whether you are trying to lose weight, gain muscle mass, or simply relieve some stress and improve overall health, the greatest improvement is made with consistent, diligent effort. These same principals apply tocorporategoals and success. By making gains in the gym,employeeslearn how tobetterachieve success at work.
  6. Fitemployeesare more energetic. Each day the human body releases internal toxins from cellular breakdown, general metabolism and digestion. This cycle creates a poisonous environment in our bodies cid that must be removed through exercise, proper stretching and a colorful diet. Fine tuning the body through physicalfitnesscan leaveemployeesfeeling energetic and stress free.Fitnessmanagement systems can be a great way to help improve employee energy.
  7. Fitemployeesthat are allowed to participate in workplacefitnessprograms can be a great way to show youremployeesthat you care for them and care about employee health. Employeefitnessprograms can be a great way to say "I Care" and provide a benefit that differentiates from competitors and other people in the marketplace.