12 Easy Ways to Enjoy Fitness at Work

There are some serious benefits to increasing your physical activity at work. Even brief bursts of activity, like a 10-minute walk, can improve your concentration, creativity and performance (especially on detailed tasks). If your employer has a worksite wellness program , take advantage of fitness classes and activities. If not, create your own fitness program with four simple pieces of equipment: a comfortable pair of shoes, a pedometer, a set of light hand weights and a resistance band.

  1. Wear a pedometer at work: Since every step counts, wearing a pedometer is wonderful motivator to walk more during your workday.
  2. Walk around the office: There's no need to sit still while you talk on the phone or think. Pacing and fidgeting are physical activity.
  3. Walk around the building: Sometimes a face-to-face talk is the best way to communicate (and it gets you up and moving around).
  4. Walk up (and down) stairs: If you have a choice, always take the stairs. If you have stairs, take as many trips up and down as possible.
  5. Walk around the block: Got a coffee break? Got a few free minutes? Take a walk outside and get some fresh air (and extra steps).
  6. Walk and talk: Need to discuss something with a co-worker? A walking meeting can be more productive and healthier too!
  7. Lift weights while you talk: Keep a weight near the telephone; pick it up when you get a call and pump your arms while you talk.
  8. Take a weight break: Feeling tired and bogged down? Take 5-10 minutes to lift your hand weights and get your blood flowing.
  9. Work your abs: You can strengthen tummy muscles while sitting in a chair. Sit straight, tighten muscles and release. Repeat.
  10. Stretch your arms and legs: Stuck at your desk? Use a resistance band for a 5-10 minute stretch. Your mind and body will be more flexible.
  11. Stretch your stress away: Tension in your shoulders, neck and back is easy to release with standing stretches and a resistance band.
  12. Check your pedometer: How many steps do you take during a typical workday? Any ideas for adding a few more steps here or there?