Want More Energy?

Feeling a little lazy, or more than that do you feel that somehow your energy level is too low to make a great start for the day? Well your not alone. It's a common feeling, and hard to avoid when we are attacked daily with things like stress from work, problems from daily lives, eating the wrong kinds of food, fatigue, take your pick! One thing you can do to decrease the effects of life's attacks is to get regular exercise and proper nutrients, which brings me to the subject of exercise!

Experience tells me, exercise offers an abundance of energy that is accorded to a person who religiously has the time to incorporate it into their daily routines, but as we all know, sometimes there are things in life that prevent us from doing what we have to do in order to gain that energy to complete the day exhaustion free!

Maybe these tips will help some of you who have no time to go the gym but are trying to find alternative ways in gaining some energy.
1.Have Breakfast!the most important meal of the day and that most of us take for granted. In order to start the day right one must consume a great breakfast setup. Which means the inclusion of proteins and carbohydrates on your breakfast plate. The results would be a great combination of energy and mental alertness.
2. Eat More Often!That's right, most people will go all day without eating! This so bad for you and actually increase your risk for diabetes and weight gain. Without regular food, your body has no fuel for energy. I recommend eating small meals, often. Try every 2-3 hours. The meals don't have to large, simply a piece of fruit, some nuts will suffice. This will help keep your blood sugar levels, thus keeping energy up, and decrease yourself from overeating.
3. Don't forget to drink water!The main cause of fatigue and stress are dehydration. Yet so many of us reach for a caffeinate drink several times a day, to boost our energy levels and re-focus. Coffee is a diuretic, so for every coffee you consume you need to get twice the amount of water. I'm not saying you need to give up the coffee/tea, but try to get more water throughout the day and I guarantee you'll feel more energetic, more positive and more alert!
4. Minimize your poor calorie intake!Eating foods high fat, sugar and salt makes your body have to work harder to metabolize. If it can't metabolize the food it will store it as fat and thus excessive weight gain and disease manifest into a chronic problem. Bad calories are like poison and will suck your energy levels dry and often promotes depression.
5. Daily Workouts!Exercise can make you feel good, keep you young and help us ward of stress! Incorporating fitness disciplines like; Strengthening the bodies structure through resistance training, lengthening the muscles with regular stretching and yoga, and improving heart health with cardio like running, jumping jacks, burpees and leap frogs are ways to help increase endorphins and gain more energy!