Ugly Can be Around the Eye of the Beholder. Look in the Mirror and See for yourself


Hopefully, you will find for yourself, while navigating around my site, that I have tried my utmost to answer every conceivable query that might come into conversation regarding Botox and or its' many uses . You will find topics that you may not see anywhere else around the web. These new topics on Botox have been researched and displayed here by myself in an easily arranged format just for you. Even though Botox may have not been around for such a long time it is widely used today by thousands of people and is also a much preferred method of wrinkle control and beauty therapy for a wide age group of women and surprisingly many men also.

The Anatomy of the infamous tell tale "Wrinkle."

Many of the fine lines that become noticeable between your eyes and your hairline, known as brow lines, actually, are the result of general muscle movements of your face which are caused while you smile, frown or generally come about from any expression you may show over time. You may have heard the expression "wearing your worries on your face," No matter which emotion you tend to favor, whether it be anger, sadness or just plain worry, for example, you will force your brows together tightly which in turn underneath your skin, causes your facial muscles to contract thus causing a ruffling of your surface skin , and after all this in time, as will be seen by most, you will appear as if you are permanently wearing a frown. Not a good look.

In the many years of expressing your emotions on your face, the lines created on your brow will start to become permanent lines and can become deepened and much more pronounced. All the women out there, who generally tend to show more expression on their faces than men, in general, with softer and more delicate skin typically, thus the lines that have formed over time may, on most women, appear amplified and more fixed.

Fortunately, there is a way to temporarily reduce moderate to severe facial lines. Treatment with botox type cosmetics can visibly smooth out, soften and moderate severe frown lines on your forehead. After such a treatment the improvements that can be seen will be noticed within a few days and in several cases may last up to 4 months or more, although, as skin types vary so much from one individual to another, the results can vary also. In some clinical trials, nearly 90% of men and women surveyed rated the improvement in their appearance, of exaggerated brow lines situated between the eyes on their foreheads, as moderate to better only 1 month after treatments.