Healthy Living: How I Went From Feeling Miserable to 10 Years Younger

Let me tell you a little bit about me and what I went through to find the secrets to live the healthful life I've always wanted.

Growing up I ate a typical American's diet.  A lot of meat, starches, and bad carbohydrates. Eating fruits and vegetables was not a priority, of course we ate them but maybe just a serving a day.

The trouble with me is I am a picture of health on the outside.  I like to exercise so I have never been considered overweight. But nutritionally I was very unhealthy and my body was starving.

I always lacked energy, and had trouble focusing.  I had unexplained aches and pains all over. I've struggled with constipation, even as a young child.  My turning point came about 5 years ago when I was formally diagnosed with an auto immune disease.  Because of the extensive damage, the doctors said I most likely have had it since early childhood.  The course of treatment was to take steroids everyday!

I was devastated.  I decided to do some research for more holistic treatments, as I was not comfortable with taking the steroids the doctors were giving me.   I found that consuming a lot more fruits, getting my nutrients naturally, may help.

Skeptical, I ran it by my doctor…Do you know what her response was!?  She said yes!  That will probably help…..what!  Why didn't she mention that before!  She just diagnosed me, wrote me a prescription, and sent me on my way.  Doctors are taught to only treat the symptoms of disease and illness……not the underlying cause!Why we are sick to begin with!

It was almost a full time job keeping up with the grocery shopping, preparing, and eating.  It was exhausting!

I did more research and discovered almost by accident abig secretthat gave me the variety of all natural whole fruits I needed to become healthy.

I have been using this secret nutritional strategy for almost 2 years and I barely use prescriptions to control my disease, additionally I have never felt better in my entire life. I have more energy than people half my age, and I am focused.  I sleep soundly, and all those little aches and pains I used to have are gone…no more aching body when I lay down at the end of the day.  I even lost some weight!  Because my body is getting all the proper nutrients I don't feel so hungry all the time, and I find I crave more healthful foods.

I feel rested, healthy, and mentally clear.   I always hear "You look fantastic, You are glowing! What are you doing?". They all want to know my secret, and I am always happy to share.

I had no idea I couldheal my body naturallytoprevent disease,strengthen the immune system,live longer, andfeel better?

I've decided to dedicate my life to helping othersachieve the  level of optimal health their bodies were meant to be,and have been doing that successfully for over a year.