Gluten Intolerance

An increasing number of people are discovering that they are adversely affected by various kinds foods. Recently, there has been a growing public awareness of food intolerances, and allergies in general which cause chronic pain from stomach upsets, muscle cramps or joint pains, nausea and vomiting, constipation, irritable bowel, etc. Among the many food intolerances and allergies, Gluten Intolerance has become one the most common problems faced by people. It is also known as Celiac disease. Gluten intolerance is a genetic disorder that makes you intolerant to gluten. Gluten is the elastic, rubbery protein that is found in wheat, rye, barley and to a lesser degree in oats. It helps in binding the dough in foods including bread and other baked goods. However, many people suffering form gluten intolerance remain largely undiagnosed and suffer unnecessarily as they do not have enough information on the symptoms and disorders that can be caused by food intolerances. Today there are a number of online sites that provide all the information and knowledge regarding gluten intolerance, which helps you to have a better idea whether you or someone you know might be affected.

These websites also provide you information on different types of food intolerances. They also give you information on the various symptoms of gluten intolerance and a number of treatments to get rid of this kind of a food intolerance and allergy. These sites focus mostly on intolerances and allergies applicable to other foods as well. They also provide you with high quality laboratory testing that help with accurate, timely and dependable test results for determining the various kinds of foods and chemicals that cause gluten intolerance win individuals. They provide test results over a number of foods, food additives, food colorings, environmental chemicals and molds. They also offer you with appropriate advice in choosing a test panel that is best suited for you and also assist you with all kinds of related questions before or after taking the test. Diagnosis of gluten intolerance usually involves blood tests and may include a biopsy of the small intestine.

The best treatment to overcome gluten intolerance successfully is by completely removing all forms of gluten from the diet. This includes avoiding breads, cereals, cookies and all other types of foods or other products with wheat, barley or rye as an ingredient. It is also important to avoid some beers, lipsticks, postage stamps, medications and vitamins. In order to overpower your gluten intolerance problem successfully, these websites offer gluten-free diets, products and ideas to help make it easier and tastier for individuals to thrive on a gluten-free diet. They also provide you with tips on following a gluten free diet, exercises, and also how to diagnose a gluten intolerance problem. They also offer a wide range of products that are supported by nutritional consulting and quality client service support. They also offer a number of gluten-free recipes. Some of these websites also have a 24X7 Customer Care Team who can give you all the information on gluten intolerance related problems and How to avoid its effects.

Gluten Intolerance - For over 20 years, the ALCAT Test has provided both patients as well as healthcare professionals with a tool to successfully overcome a wide variety of conditions which result from chemical intolerance and food sensitivity.