What is undenatured whey protein? Can I buy it in a health food store? What does it do, and why should I use it? Let’s start first withwhey proteinin general. This is the protein that has been isolated from whey.Wheyis the liquid material that is left behind after the solids have been removed fromcow’s milk.Manufacturers have processed this protein into mixtures that can be used forbuilding muscleor formuscle building and muscle development. You can find a large array of whey protein powder to make a breakfast smoothie, or protein drink, at any general nutrition, weight training, or bodybuilding supplements store or supplier. Muscle Milk and Designer Whey are popular examples of this today for a breakfast smoothie, protein shake, or protein drinks. Whey protein is an excellent source of dietary protein, and is very effective in building muscle for athletic nutrition. It is also a good choice for anyone who would like to reduce their body fat, and build muscle through exercise and/or bodybuilding supplements. But all protein supplements are not created equal. This type of protein is classified asdenatured. What does denatured mean? This simply means that the whey protein has been processed at a high temperature, usually above 160 degrees Fahrenheit or 72 degrees Celsius. This process is also known aspasteurization. The milk you buy in the store has beenpasteurized, which means that it has beendenaturedor cooked at a high temperature to ensure that all microorganisms that may harm you have been destroyed. So to put it all together, what isundenatured whey protein?It is protein from whey that has not been denatured. It is used to raiseglutathione, a beneficial protein in your cells. This means that the protein must be processed in such a way that harmful organisms are destroyed, but the heat sensitive amino acids that make it bioactive, called branched chain amino acids, are not harmed. It has not been pasteurized, but processed at a lower temperature in order to preserve the amino acids that are destroyed by high heat. Terms that can be used interchangeably forundenatured whey proteinarehigh biological value whey proteinandbioactive whey protein. You may also hear it referred to asundenatured whey protein isolate, orundenatured whey protein concentrate. An undenatured whey protein with a high biological value means it contains a high amount ofessential amino acids. This kind of whey protein fromraw cow’s milkhas a very high amount of bonded cysteine in it, along with other essential branched chain amino acids, so is has ahigh biological value, with one particular brand having a biological value of >110 BV. As more people find out about the value of high biological value whey protein, a manufacturer may suggest on the label of their product that they are providing such a special protein. The fact that it is in a tub is your first telling sign that this is not true. Truly bioactive whey protein is quite expensive to make and requires special technology to do so. Bioactivity is reduced when exposed to heat, air or moisture, so if it is in atub, it is not undenatured whey protein. Another way that you can tell it is not bioactive is if it isflavored. If it comes in vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry, then it has beenhydrolyzed, which means it has been denatured to make it easier to mix. You can also check the nutritional supplements information on the label as well. This is not bioactive whey protein, and will not help you in raising glutathione. Undenatured whey protein has a very unmistakable quality to it:it is unflavored and very difficult to mix. If you pour some bioactive whey protein powder into a liquid, it will float and resist mixing. This is one way to know you have truly undenatured whey protein. Undenatured whey protein will help you to build muscle just like regular whey protein. The main reason you want to take it in an undenatured form isif you want to raise glutathione in addition to building muscle. That is the only reason you need to know the difference between the two, and it is an important difference. Regular whey protein will build muscle! Undenaturedwhey protein will build muscle AND raise glutathione! Bioactive whey protein contains three specific proteins that are very high in an amino acids that is missing from our diet today. The proteins are:albumin or bovine serum albumin, lactoferrin, and lactalbumin. These proteins are very high in the amino acid calledbonded cysteine. Bonded cysteine, which is two cysteine molecules linked together, is also calledcystine. It is found in raw meat, raw eggs, and raw cow’s milk. Once you cook these three foods, the bonded cysteine or cystine is destroyed by heat. Most of us today do not consume these foods raw, nor do we recommend that you do. Babies who arebreast-fedhave access tobonded cysteinein their mother’s breast milk until they are weaned. The closest food that we have to mother’s breast milk as adults is bovine or cow milk in raw form. It is interesting to note, however, that years ago, before pasteurization, when people consumedraw milkfrom their local or family farm, they hadhigher glutathione levels in their blood. Now that we don’t have access to these foods in safe amounts, we have an even greater need than ever before to find a good source ofbonded cysteineso that we can effectively raise glutathione. The three amino acids that are needed by the body for how to raise glutathione arecysteine, glycine,andglutamate. Glycine and glutamate are plentiful in our diet, but cysteine is not. And since cysteine by itself is destroyed in the gut, it needs to be bonded in the way we find it in undenatured whey protein to do the job successfully. Thus, bonded cysteine is considered therate limiting factorfor raising glutathione in our cells. The journey of a bonded cysteine molecule from the mother’s breast or cow’s udder to your cells to make glutathione is a fascinating journey. Very simply, bioactive whey protein is the best way for raising glutathione becauseit is the way that you were created to raise it once you are weaned. Mother’s breast milk works until you are weaned, and then after that, raw cow’s milk is the next best source! It is the closest substance in physical composition to mother’s breast milk. High biological value whey protein containsbonded cysteine, which your body needs to make glutathione in your cells. Undenatured Whey Protein - The Best Way To Build Muscle And Raise Glutathione! |