Asthma Home Remedies for your Asthma Cure

Asthma is a constant inflammatory ailment of the respiratory structure that is recognized by attacks of wheezing, restriction in the chest and smallness of breathing. Although the signs are the same but type of asthma varies. Some of these are Child onset asthma, adult onset asthma, exercise onset asthma, cough onset asthma, working asthma, nocturnal asthma.

Many of the long term remedies given for asthma really act as cold preventatives and reduce catarrhal infection, generally improving the mind and body rather than actually curing the problem.

Diet Improve the diet and avoid those things which may be harmful. Chocolate, cheese, tea, coffee and cow’s milk products are though to be detrimental although goat’s milk, and yoghurt and cheese made from it, had long been considered to be of benefit to anyone suffering form chest ailments. Paradoxically, lemons are of great benefit whilst other citrus fruits may cause problems. Take additional vitamins A, E and B6. Keep your weight down but do not diet seriously enough to create problems of anxiety or unhappiness. If there is real difficulty in preventing overweight take professional advice when will put you on the right path without causing stress.

Home Remedies for Asthma

Cabbages, nettles and onions All are of benefit to the body in many ways. A good method of expressing the fresh juice from cabbage is to soak the fresh green leaf in water until well saturated then wring out the liquid and drink it daily.

Garlic Chew 2 garlic cloves daily though this is of less value than the following recipe.

Garlic Cure for Asthma
3 heads garlic
600 ml (1 mint) water
300 ml (1/2 pint) cider vinegar
50g (20z) honey or sugar
Peel the garlic cloves and simmer them gently in the water for 20 minutes. Remove, drain and place in a jar. Add the vinegar and honey or sugar to the garlicky water and boil until syrupy. Discharge over the garlic in the jar and leave to cool before closing. Take one clove with the syrup every day. This remedy is also said to get better the memory.

Irish moss Used in the next recipe this is an expectorant and helps you breathe more easily.
A Honey for Breathlessness
½ onions
2 cloves garlic
600 ml (1pint) Irish moss jelly
½ cup clear honey

Peel and chop the onion and garlic then simmer gently with the Irish moss until soft. Strain and allow cooling then adding ½ cup of honey. Take daily to ensure that chestiness does turn into asthma.
Liquorice root A strong decoction of this reasonably pleasant-tasting root relieves chesty colds if drunk daily. It is certainly an improvement on the old-fashioned cure-all of ½ pint of tar water taken daily.
Carrots Whilst I think that a Spartan diet of plain boiled carrots for two weeks, as advocated in days paste could not be bad for your there is not doubt that a small glass of carrot juice taken daily reduces the risk of an asthma attack.

Castor oil cure Whip 25 g (1oz) of castor oil with 50g (20oz) of clear honey of mix 1 tablespoon of castor oil with 1 tablespoon of cider vinegar. Taken daily either remedy alleviates not only asthma symptoms but also those of catarrh and arthritis.

Vervain This is the sacred flower of the Druids which magicians wear. It is believed to be able to relieve any nervous disorders, so drink a glass of vervain tea—flowers, leaf and stalk—immediately upon rising each morning.

For Immediate Relief

Massage With your patient sitting back to front on the chair, as suggested earlier (page 75), massage the spine with both hands working from the bottom upwards. The relieves stress and the uncomfortable ache in back and shoulders caused by fighting for breath. Also there is a small area in the hollow of the throat which, if massaged with the little finger, in a gentle circular movement without pressure, can bring almost magical relief.

Inhalnts The best inhalant that I know of is Friar’s balsam is boiling water. Another very mild one is the leaves of mullein (verbascum thapsus).
Teas Thyme, marjoram, lavender, hyssop, eucalyptus, coltsfoot and lungwort are all antiseptic and break down mucus.

A special Tea for Asthma

1 part each cayenne, Iceland moss
Thyme, red clover, liquorice and horehound
4 parts Irish moss
Mix together and make a tea using 1 teaspoon of the mixture to 1 cup of boiling water. Take 1 tablespoon four periods every day.

Heart’s ease, honeysuckle or lobelia These are all old-fashioned medicines for asthma. Tinctures, teas and tablets can be brought from herbalists.

Lemon juice Take 1 tablespoon of hot lemon juice, with or without honey, every 15 minutes.
Essential oils of eucalyptus, pine, rosemary and marjoram Blend 2 drops of each into 2 tablespoons of oil and rubs into the chest. After anointing with this aromatic mixture cover with a hot, dry towel to release the full benefit and to keep the patient warm