Treat Sciatica Now - Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief

Sciatic Nerve Pain or sciatica is the inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Pain and tenderness along the nerve going through the leg and thigh are the common symptoms that are felt. Pain usually begins from the lower back radiating through the pelvis, buttocks up to the back of the leg. Depending on the origin, sciatic nerve pain can be felt even up to the toes; one will surely wish for immediate sciatic nerve pain relief. The intensity of the nerve pain can vary from mild to severe which can cause burning, aching sensations.

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The conditions that are frequently associated with sciatica are herniated discs (ruptured discs that put pressure on the nerve root), spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal), spondylolisthesis (one vertebra slides diagonally to another instead of maintaining it correct alignment), piriformis syndrome (occurs when the piriformis muscle apply pressure to the sciatic nerve) and spinal trauma (damage wherein can cause the misalignment of the vertebrae). There is sciatic nerve pain when the sciatic nerve is pressured or compressed.

Common treatments used for sciatic nerve pain are the use of Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) like ibuprofen, use of heat treatments, exercise therapy and injections using cortisone. These can provide temporary relief but can persist if the cause of origin is not treated.

Long lasting relief like, Triggerpoint Therapy which applies pressure on the middle of the buttocks, usually it is done with a massage tool or rolling on a tennis ball. Muscle Balance Therapy deals with posture problems that are caused by muscles that pull unevenly against the spine. Inversion Therapy relieves compression pressure which allows more circulation which leads to increased supply of blood and oxygen that can help in healing quickly. Other people use Eastern Methods like Acupressure, which applies pressure on certain points of the body. Ayurvedic Treatment is also introduced; it also uses the same principles as that of Acupressure. Lastly, Diet Therapy is also believed to provide relief from sciatic nerve pain. A high magnesium diet is recommended for tight muscles which usually causes Sciatica. Foods high in magnesium are bananas, beans, nuts, and green leafy vegetables.

We must remember that Sciatic nerve pain or sciatica is just a symptom. We must treat the condition that causes it. The best way is to consult your doctor about this, so that the appropriate treatment can be done.