How to Lose Belly Size Fat - 5 Tips to Banish Your Fat for Good

It's the bad food choices (bad nutrition), and lack of activity that has caused your belly size waist. And it is up to you to make the changes and improve your choice of foods. But the choice of foods is not choosing between a pizza over a greasy burger - or going on a famine. Neither helps!

What it comes down to is, you have to get into the habit of buying and cooking your own healthy meals more than ever. And changing you diet doesn't mean cutting out all your favorite foods - it is just a simple principle of eating in moderation. Making the effort to prepare your own meals will give your body that much needed nutrition - and it is the best way to lose that belly fat.

Below are 5 tips on how to lose your belly size fat now -

1. Sensible start - A healthy, high fiber breakfast will set you up for the day, banishing your cravings and low blood glucose headaches. For breakfast, aim for cereal with light milk and some fruit like banana, a
couple of slices of toast with baked beans, or a poached egg with grilled tomato and mushrooms.

2. Avoid processed foods containing unhealthy trans fat and hydrogenated fats. Food labels will list them as 'partially hydrogenated oil' or 'shortening' and the higher in the list they appear, the greater the quantity.

3. Opt for 'lite' versions over full fat foods, and drink water instead of soft drinks. Choices such as these will get you started on the right track.

4. How to lose belly size fat in moderation. You don't have to go without you favorite foods. Eat what you enjoy, like pizza or chocolate, just in smaller portions, rather than going back for second or third helpings.

5. If you want to lose weight and build muscle - workout regularly and limit your calories - you'll burn fat and build muscle. But make sure you don't starve yourself or you'll find it hard to put on muscle and may even lose some. And one of the best way to lose body fat and build muscle is to combine interval training and multi-movement exercises. Not only is it effective, it is far shorter than the traditional long cardio! It will slash more body fat in less workout time!

The above tips are just some of the ways on how to lose your belly size fat. What it boils down to is, a combination of proper nutrition and properly designed high intensity variable workouts are the key to reducing your waistline - which is covered in great simple detail in The Truth About Six Pack Abs by Mike Geary . It combines the most complete 'total body' workout and nutrition tips to help you slash the belly fat without embarking on a daily four hour session.