Weak Eyesight Causes, Symptoms, Home Remedies and Natural Treatment for Weak Eyesight

Eyesight Weakness is a ordinary difficulty of the day. Even tender aged school going children may also be seen using spectacles due to weak eyes. Heat and Weakness of brain is a main cause of weak eyesight. Longover and closely watching of TV. Continuous reading in a powerful light, digestive disorder, unbalanced eating and living habits and deficiency of vitamin A in food are also responsible for weak eyesight. In maturity, extreme be anxious and consumption of alcohol also produce weakness of eyes. For averting weakness of eyes caused due to suppressed Common Cold or surplus heat in brain practice of Jala Neti is highly beneficial. Many cases of weak eyesight especially in children and young persons have responded well to Magnetotherapy. Palming and Jala Neti etc. gives considerable advantage. Pure honey if obtainable may be used as part of the diet and also as eye drop.

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Some ordinary eye problems are: - Cataract Conjunctivitis
Glaucoma Myopia or eye Sty.

Symptoms of Weak Eyesight

Weak eyesight is a ordinary difficulty of the day. Even tender aged school going children may also be seen using spectacles due to weak eyes. Its major symptoms are following:

1.    Seeing hazy or dim from eyes

2.    Short sight and Long sight

3.    To see the objects of long distance but not able to see

4.    objects nearby or to see the objects nearby but not able to see

5.    the objects of long distance

6.    Burning in eyes

7.    Watering of eyes

8.    Heaviness of head during study

9.    Persistent Common Cold

Causes of Weak Eyesight

Heat and Weakness of brain is a major reason of weak eyesight. The morbid matter eliminating by means of Common Cold if suppressed by wrong treatment, also adversely effects the eyes. Beside this, longover and closely watching of TV, continuous reading in a powerful light, digestive disorder, unbalanced eating and living habits and deficiency of vitamin A in food are also responsible for weak eyesight. In maturity, excessive be anxious and consumption of alcohol also produce weakness of eyes.

Dietary Tips for Eye Care

Vitamin A is directly accountable for the strength and power of the eyes. Hence, foods that are wealthy in vitamin A must be taken. Vitamin A is contained in all orange and yellow colored vegetables such as carrots, oranges and pumpkins and in fruits like mangoes, papayas and oranges.

Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, coriander and colocasia also hold vitamin A. Among non-vegetarian foods, fish, liver and eggs have vitamin A. Dairy products also have a fair amount of vitamin A in them.

The risk of cataracts is reduced by including vitamin C in the diet. Foods containing vitamin C such as Indian gooseberry, guava, orange, lemon and tomato, capsicum, cabbage, etc. must be included in the diet.

Home Remedies for Common Eye Problems

1.    Prepare a combination of equal proportions of aniseed powder and coriander seed powder. Combine it with an equal weight of unrefined sugar. Take it in doses of 12 grams each morning and evening. It is beneficial for people with cataract.

2.    For people with weak eyesight, taking a combination of the juices of raw parsley and carrots in a glassful amount daily will provide great benefits.

3.    Combine one part of sugar with three parts of coriander. Grind them into a fine powder and put this combination in boiling water. Keep it covered for one hour. Then filter it with a clean cloth. Use the filtrate as eye drops. This is an effectual treatment for conjunctivitis.

4.    Immerse almonds in milk and keep them overnight. In the morning, combine this milk with sandalwood. Relate this on the eyelids. This reduces redness of the eyes due to exertion.

5.    Inhaling the odors of sesame mixed in honey reduce the excessive wateriness of the eyes.

6.    Take two small pieces of cardamom. Grind them and dissolve the powder in milk. Simmer the milk and drink it at night. This makes the eyes healthier.