Slender Toned Arms

Slender Toned Arms

Victoria, I love to wear fun sundresses but I have embarrassingly flabby
arms. I just bought the most adorable tube dress and I am too self-conscious
to wear it yet.

I like the idea that you were actually overweight yourself and you have been
able to tone and firm your arms. I feel more comfortable trusting your

What are your favorite exercises to tone and sculpt my arms so that I won’t
feel like I have chicken wings when I wear it?
- Alena

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Alena, How hilarious…”chicken wings”. I suppose that you mean that the skin
and flabby muscles on the backside of your arms are loose and flop when you
move your arm. UUGGGHHH!! I can totally understand what you mean.

I love training my arms. Whenever I am having a fat day, I like to put on
some comfortable slacks and then immediately do some arm toning exercises.
It makes me feel sleek and firm.

I train them with multiple different exercises. I keep the exercises close
together and I use short rest periods, about 30 seconds between sets.

When I am preparing for a photo shoot, I supersets my exercises—performs two
exercises back to back without resting in between.

You should try it too: It's a great way to get through your workout more
quickly and burn more calories in the process. You can pair bicep exercises
with a triceps exercise.

Most weight training programs were designed by men for building bulky
muscles, I have personally experienced that myself.

I had a male trainer when I first got into bodybuilding and I built some
thick muscle that took me years to break down and sculpt. He was not a bad
trainer, I just decided later on that I wanted to return to my slimmer
dancer body.

That’s why I designed this perfect muscle sculpting for totally toned arms
program for sculpting and firming. When you perform these tried and true
exercises you will begin to see and experience:

• Improved overall tone
• Sleek lean long muscles
• Muscles become firm and Tight
• Increased endurance without added bulk
• Improved circulation
• Stronger mind and body awareness
• Improved self confidence and body awareness

Set Up To Win
Treat the time you invest into your body as sacred. It is the tabernacle of
your Spirit, your mind and your soul.

Establish a set of habits and patterns that prepares your mind and signals
your body that you are ready to train. Establish a set time and place. Get
your tools such as weights tubes, chair, water, sweat towel, workout mat or
other Remove distractions.

Turn off the TV unless you are following a video. Turn off or move your
phone, cell phone, computer, or any other electronic device that rings,
beeps or signals you for something. Get your music ready. Treat your workout
time as a sacred experience

Toned Arms Program Tips
1. Get Centered
Start every move from your midsection also known as your Core or center of
your body.

Your abs are to be pulled in tight. This helps to stabilize your low back
and will help you move correctly throughout your routine. Your back is to be
neutral and comfortable. Do not force your spine into any painful positions.
Your posture is to be tall and strong, not scrunched over.

2. Conscious Breathing
Oxygen during exercise is vital. Through Deep breathing you oxygenate the
blood when you exercise, you must consciously practice it when you exercise.
It enhances circulation, stimulates fat burning, cleanses your metabolic
system and eliminates toxins from your body. Inhale and take in a deep
breath as you prepare to move, and then as you perform the move (the hardest
part of the exercise) exhale completely. Do this throughout the entire
series. Another way to think about breathing is:

Inhale on the easy part; exhale on the part that takes effort. I like to
take a breath that is 2 seconds in and two seconds out. This basic allows
you to develop a consistent breathing pattern.

3. Focused Energy
When you perform an exercise put your mental energy into the target muscle
area or muscle group you are targeting to change. Practice putting your mind
into the muscle during the motion. What that means is feel the muscle
contract, see it getting firmer, more shapely and stronger. Perform the
moves with purpose and outcome in mind. Put your mind into the muscle and
see it shrink. Don’t just carelessly do the move; execute the move with
commitment to see it improve.

Each exercise is simple but very effective. Practice, rehearse and perfect
the move as your body becomes conditioned and the muscles get firmer. The
principle is to strengthen and lengthen so that you can develop long and
lean muscles pretty muscles. You want to build a tight and firm body not big
and bulky. Flexible and fluid, confident and powerful.

Always warm up and prepare your body for the workout. This allows your mind
and body time to prepare for what’s ahead.

Always move with care from exercise to exercise, no quick jerky motions.

if you ever feel sharp pains during exercise stop immediately and check with
your physician. Never exercise through sharp pain.

Use Hand Weights and Dumbbells 3, 5, or 8 pounds

Do Sets and Reps for 20 minutes Total for the Toned Arms Program

Four days a week. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday

Beginners- 2 sets of 12-20 Repetitions per exercise with lightweights

Moderately Fit 3 Sets of 12-20 Repetitions with moderate weight

Toned Arms Exercises

Modified push-up:
Works shoulders, and arms –Very effective but it takes a lot of
concentration and focus.

• Lie on your stomach, knees bent and ankles crossed. Elbows bent, place
your palms on the floor a next to your chest, keep your head and neck in
alignment, eyes facing the floor.

• Push yourself up and straighten your arms as you lift your body so you are
balanced on your palms and knees, abdominals tight. Be careful not to lock
your elbows.

• Bend your elbows again and lower your entire body at once back to towards
the floor, lower until your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Push back
up again.

Bicep curls:
Works biceps –Front of the arms

• Hold a lightweight or dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet
hip-width apart. Let your arms hang down at your sides with your palms
facing in toward your legs. Pull your abdominals in, stand tall, and keep
your knees relaxed.

• Curl your right arm up, fist close to your shoulder, twisting your palm so
that it faces the front of your shoulder at the top of the movement. Slowly
lower the dumbbell back down, and then repeat with your left arm. Continue
alternating until you've completed the set. One repetition consists of a
complete curl with each arm

Works triceps (chicken wings) - Back of your arms

• Stand to the left of a chair. Hold a dumbbell in your right hand, feet
hip-width apart. Lean forward at the hips until your upper body is at a
45-degree angle to the floor. Place your free hand on top of a chair or
against a wall for support. Bend your right elbow so that your upper arm is
parallel to the floor, your forearm perpendicular to it, and your palm
facing in. Keep your elbow close to your waist. Pull your abdominals in and
don't lock your knees.

• Keeping your upper arm still, straighten your arm behind you until the end
of the dumbbell is pointing down while tightening the back of your arm.
Slowly bend your arm to lower the weight back to the starting position for
one rep. When you've completed the set, repeat with your left arm.

Shoulder press:
Works shoulders, arms

• Hold a dumbbell in each hand and sit up tall on a chair that has firm back
support. Place your feet on the floor, hip-width apart. Pull your abdominals
in so there is a slight gap between the small of your back and the back of
the chair.

• With palms forward, bend the elbows and raise the dumbbells up so they are
level with your ears. Elbows should be at or just below shoulder height.

• Straighten arms up over your head, without locking elbows, then slowly
lower to start.

Repeat the entire sequence 2-4 times depending on your stamina.

There you are, four good basic, yet if done correctly, powerful re-shaping
exercises for your arms and upper body. Start today, and you will be so
happy that you did. It only takes few minutes four times a week. You can do

Make sure you increase your water uptake and cut out the simple carbs too.
Your diet will help you see firmer more toned arms faster. You can start to
visible results in one week if you follow a low glycemic-eating program
along with this toned arms workout.

You can lose your chicken wings and have tighter arms in two weeks if you
get to it today and start making your body a priority. You have an entire
summer ahead, and you can start rocking that hot new tube dress by
Independence Day.

God Bless and make it the Best Week Ever!


Your Celebrity Personal Trainer!

CAUTION: It is STRONGLY recommended that you see a healthy physician for a
complete medical examination before undertaking an exercise program.