Skin Care - Feeding the Skin Properly For a More Vibrant, Glowing Look

The skin speaks well of how old a person is. But most of the time, when you base your guess about the age of a person on the skin she has especially in the face, most of the time you would make a wrong guess. It would be uplifting for the person if your guess is much lower than her actual age.

But imagine how humiliated she or he can be when you made a guess pretty older than the real age. The latter incident is likely to happen when a person's skin show premature aging, which is common with those individuals who are following a lifestyle that is extremely damaging to the youthfulness of the skin. It is then essential to learn the basic things related to skin care, so as to prevent being in the situation explained earlier.

You should know that the skin is also an organ of the body; actually it is the largest organ of the body if you would look back into what you have learned in your elementary science subject. And just all the other organs in the body, you need to feed it right in order to carry out its function effectively and also to maintain its innate youthful properties. To accomplish this, you need to familiarize yourself with the proper and basic ideas about feeding your skin appropriately.

• Feed your skin with the right food. This means that you need to eat fresh and unprocessed foods. Commercially processed foods contain a lot of preservatives so that they can stay long in the freezer compartment of the grocery or supermarket. It is better to eat fresh fruit and vegetables instead of always relying on canned goods and processed meats sold in the supermarket.

• Your skin needs fresh air and sunshine. If you are often exposed to environment full of pollution, you are likely to suffer premature skin aging. Dirt and grime can easily clog your skin pores allowing it to look dull and lifeless; making your skin look like the skin of an older person - much older than your actual age!

• Sufficient sleep and rest coupled with calmed emotions are staple foods for the skin. You need to have at least 8 hours of sleep so that each morning would mean a revitalized you. This would certainly show in your outer features including the skin.

• Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! This is the best nutrient that you can provide your skin with; as a matter of fact, it is considered as an important aspect of basic skin care. Water is needed by the body to ensure its proper functioning. If you don't drink enough water (8 to 10 glasses of water each day is minimum!) there is a great chance that your skin will look old, dry, withered just like the old leaves of a dying plant - yikes! A real awful looking you!

Saying that skin care is skin deep is not enough. It is actually more than just that. You need to realize that there is no use to putting all those expensive creams and lotions, hoping it would make wonders for your skin if you do not feed your skin with the proper and the basic nutrient that it needs. Feed it with the basic ingredients for skin care outlined in this article and you are on to notice the youthful glow in your skin that you have always dreamed to have.