Acne Menopause - Why It Happens & How To Cure It

It`s lucky that menopause occurs when a woman is mature enough to handle it. If I`d suffered hot flashes, incontinence and loss of libido when I was in my twenties, I would have gone to pieces.

But now, as a sophisticated grown up, I can handle anything that is thrown at me. After all, you know pretty much what to expect when you enter menopause don't you?....Bloating, weight gain, headaches…But acne ! I mean come on, what`s all that about? As if my confidence wasn`t at ground level anyway, now I have zits!

The bacteria on our skin - the stuff that lives off the oil - gets caught underneath the skin and both the bacteria and oil create the awful spot. This is usually inflamed and filled with puss. With a blackhead, the bacteria and oil are also trapped beneath the skin's surface but in this case, they open partially causing the spot to turn black.

Menopause acne occurs when estrogen levels are increased during the early stages. This then converts into testosterone.   The glands are then able to produce more oil and that subsequently results in even more breakouts.  Thus creating a cycle which is both stressful as it is unsightly...but unfortunately...stress only makes things worse!  When we become anxious, the adrenal glands are stimulated into producing cortisol and an androgen called DHEAS. And wouldn`t you just know it, this also stimulates the glands of the skin to produce more oil.

It`s one of those stressful situations when you are advised to relax and all will be well! You`ve got to laugh haven't` you? Actually, that`s quite a good idea, although it`s probably the last thing you feel like doing, give it a try. I guarantee that it will lift your mood.

One final word of advice, don't panic and use skin care products that are too strong for your skin, as they will create they own problems. Plenty of water, scrupulously clean cosmetic brushes and sponges and whatever you do…don't be tempted to pick or squeeze your spots. You could be left with unsightly scars, as reminders of your acne long after it has cleared up. And don't worry, eventually it will clear up and you can face the world with clear skin once again.