Natural remedies for uterine fibroids can be used very effectively, avoiding the need to resort to surgery. Of course, if there is a clear danger from your fibroids (for example if they are cancerous) then you should consider the appropriate treatment recommended by your surgeon. However, fibroids are rarely life-threatening and this does give you the option of exploring alternative treatment methods.
There is one statistic about fibroids which I find truly shocking:-
Some 93% of women who use conventional methods to attempt to get rid of their fibroids find themselves in a worse situation after treatment. However, there is a small but growing group of women who have researched their options and found that it is possible to use natural remedies for fibroids towards permanent freedom.
There is no single cause of uterine fibroids and this means that to be successful, treatment must address and eliminate each and every root cause. As you might imagine, this is not an overnight process and you will need to be prepared to make a number of fairly significant lifestyle and dietary changes which some women do find difficult. However, I often say it's a question of how much you want to be able to get rid of your fibroids-if you are well motivated, you should not find this a problem. Some women using natural remedies for uterine fibroids manage to eliminate their symptoms within a couple of weeks although significant shrinkage will take longer.
When you think about it, if you opt for surgery, you will have the lead-up time to surgery to consider and then the recovery time. Indeed, it could be many weeks before you are back to normal and in this time, if you apply it correctly, natural remedies for uterine fibroids could have worked without you having any discomfort or costly procedures.
What Steps Might You Take?
There are many stages involved, but two of the most useful natural remedies for uterine fibroids are dietary modification and liver detoxification.
Basic Principles Of A Fibroid Diet
First of all, use your common sense. There is much information out there about the principles of a basic healthy diet and this is a good starting point.
* Organic foods are best as these do not contain pesticides and additives
* Try to eat food in its natural unprocessed state
* Avoid meats with additives such as sausages and salami
* Regulate your portion sizes
* Avoid obviously unhealthy foods such as saturated fats and white refined carbohydrates such as sugars and white flour
* Ensure seafood is free of hormones and contaminants
* Control your intake of beans and grains
* Eat fruits and sugary vegetables in moderation
* Increase your intake of sprouting grains
* Your diet should ideally consist of 70% raw foods
Your digestion can become surprisingly sluggish and overloaded with toxins. When you have toxins in the bowels, this can lead to blood intoxication and a liver which is inefficient. The liver stores toxins and they migrate to other organs of the body, sometimes including the uterus. Before you can cure your fibroids, you will need to eliminate toxins.
Starting off with a deep cleansing program is the way forward and this protocol is always included in good natural remedies for uterine fibroids and this can include a 3 day juice program. Making your own juices is best as you will know exactly what is in them and their freshness is assured. Juices should be mainly green, including celery, which is well-known for its cleansing properties and low in sugar. Before a 3 day juice diet, it is wise to eat a light diet for a couple of days beforehand, consisting of salad ingredients and lightly steamed vegetables.
The two steps of dietary modification and detoxing are essential parts of natural remedies for uterine fibroids. However, to ensure success, you must also follow a number of other protocols designed to eliminate the root causes of all types of fibroids. Before beginning any treatment, it is wise to explore these other elements further as following an all-encompassing, "no-stone unturned" approach is the only way forward when using natural treatment.
If you would like further information on my recommended natural treatment, please visit my website, Shrink Fibroids Naturally .
Written by a nutritionalist, health writer and former fibroids sufferer herself, the natural remedies for uterine fibroids I recommend is groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will finally feel that you have found something that will work for you.
Fibroids Miracle also comes with 3 months free one-to-one counseling from an expert, to give you the best possible chance of success.