If you are wondering what to do about bacterial vaginosis, there are a number of simple steps you can take to help eliminate this horrible condition. Firstly, it is important to understand a little about BV before you embark on any treatment plan.
Bacterial vaginosis is caused by an imbalance of the naturally occurring bacteria within the body . Under normal circumstances, the vagina is rich in beneficial bacteria which helps maintain a healthy environment. However, when an imbalance occurs, bad bacteria flourishes and this is what causes the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis which include a foul, fishy smelling discharge and, very often, some itching and burning.
What actually causes the imbalance is often somewhat of a mystery. However, there are a number of common causes and it is most likely that a combination of two or more of these factors have just tipped the balance over the edge, causing an outbreak. Indeed, one of the reasons why most women suffer from repeated attacks is due to the fact that the root causes still remain in the body, even after conventional treatment has cured the symptoms-and herein lies another issue.
Curing the symptoms of BV is not the same as curing the condition altogether. If you want to know what to do about bacterial vaginosis, then getting symptomatic relief is one important treatment aspect. However, don't confuse the two. Antibiotics and creams and lotions you can get over the counter will give you some relief as they can help to kill off the bacterial outbreak. What they cannot do though is to deal with the root causes. You can also get symptomatic relief using some simple home remedies as detailed below:-
* Soak a tampon in live yogurt and insert into the vagina for a couple of hours
* Add 20 drops of tea tree oil to a shallow bath and sit in it for around 15 minutes
* Apply a cold flannel to the sore area
Common causes of bacterial vaginosis include a wide range of situations, including:-
* Overwashing
* Douching
* A change of partner
* Using an IUD
* Eating an inadequate diet
* Wearing tight-fitting underwear
* Smoking
Knowing what to do about bacterial vaginosis can be as simple as eliminating some of the common root causes and once you recognise and understand your own triggers, then you are well on your way to a complete cure. Good treatment will involve a combination of symptomatic relief and the removal of the causes.
There is an excellent, robust strategy which is guaranteed to work and which has helped many thousands of women worldwide be completely free of bacterial vaginosis for good within three days.
If you would like to see further details of what to do about bacterial vaginosis naturally, please visit Home Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis . There is absolutely no need to suffer any longer. Your symptoms can be a thing of the past within hours and the whole condition completely eliminated within 3 days-Guaranteed!