Stop Aging Appearance-Anti-Aging Skin Cream

If your complexion and appearance is taking on a little aging look then the solution may very well be an anti-aging skin cream.But it must have the right ingredients to really work.  That's what I will tell you right here.

Correct Ingredients are Essential

An anti aging skin cream must have the correct ingredients to give your skin that smooth radiant glow. Most anti-aging creams don't even  come close to delivering what your skin needs. Your skin needs new collagen and elastin.  It needs new cells and fibers.  Let me show you what you need in anti aging cream to regain that smooth beautiful look.  Also I'll show you some ingredients to avoid.

As I mentioned, to get that new fresh look from your anti aging skin cream you need collagen and elastin.  As we get older we get less.  Your body needs to produce new elastin and collagen.  When it does those terrible wrinkles slowly begin to leave.  Then in time that new, fresh, younger looking face begins to appear

Skin's Building Blocks

Not all proteins are alike but they are referred to as the building blocks of the skin.  On such protein is called Keratin.  If Keratin  isn't constructed or made the right way,  it will not penetrate the skin.  Therefore, most skin care products contain a useless type of "keratin". The correct type of keratin must be in the anti aging skin cream or it is worthless. How do we find the correct type of keratin?

Ingredients that Work

Functional Keratin, also known as, Cynergy TK is a protein when added to an anti aging cream helps remove wrinkles.  It is the only type that I found that really works. Other companies claim to have keratin but it is usually from the wrong source therefore doesn't work.

From the Sea of Japan comes an ingredient that is a must for anti aging skin creams.  It is called Wakame.  Wakame is an algae or sea kelp that has a lot of good ingredients such as, potassium, B vitamins, iron, sodium and calcium.

A laboratory analysis of the sea kelp found that a component in it helps promote smooth and younger looking skin.And that is what anti aging creams are supposed to do.

As a extra bonus Wakame is an excellent antioxidant which will successfully fight free radicals.  It will also help increase the skin's protein level.


Usually we think of antioxidants coming with the vitamins we take.  But since free radicals damage skin cells it is very beneficial to include them in the skin cream.

Antioxidants like wakame, vitamin E and CoQ10 should be in anti-aging skin creams.  But they also should be natural not some synthetic filler.

Special, Effective Formula

Nano-lipobelle is a special ‘nano-emulsion’ form of CoQ10, which PENETRATES DEEPLY into your skin.  It is created in such a way that it will penetrate through seven layers of skin.  It contains both COQ10 and vitamin E in a special emulsion created specially for use as an anti-aging skin cream.  How effective is Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10 in skin care?  When applied to your skin, Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10 can produce quite a dramatic anti-wrinkle effect, which has been confirmed by scientific studies. This is due to its ability to increase collagen and elastin production in the skin.

Ingredients to Avoid

Briefly, let's look at a few of the things that an anti-aging skin cream should not contain:

-alcohol because it is drying. (stearyl and cetearyl alcohol are fine. They are waxes and have nothing in common with the alcohols that cause skin problems.)

-fragrance because it can be irritating.

-sunscreen because it alone does not reduce the risk of skin cancer and some compounds are hazardous.

-parabens because they are cancer causing suspects.

-paraffin wax or mineral oil because they clog the pores and strip natural oils, leading to dryness.

Our skin is our largest organ.  We need to be careful what touches it since whatever does could end up in our blood.  This is a common sense health precaution. If you wouldn't eat it don't put it on your skin.  Use only natural ingredients in your anti-aging skin care creams.

And now please see my website for more information on anti aging cream.