Pros And Cons Of Teenage Pregnancy

In the world teenage pregnancies is now at an all new high and is continually rising. With the rise of drug abuse, teen sex, and alcohol unfortunately this number will continue to rise. What a lot of these teens may not realize is that although there are pros to being pregnant there are also cons and this is especially true in teenage pregnancy .


Probably one of the biggest cons that a lot of teenagers seem to understand is that they will have the opportunity to grow up with their child. You will be able to do things with your child that some parents will not have the luxury too because of their age.


  1. The number one and most important con of teenage pregnancy that needs to be considered is the loss of education. A lot of girls who become pregnant in their teens drop out of school because they do not like all the stares and whispers that they receive. If you do not drop out your morning sickness will cause you to miss a lot of class and as a result you will lose a lot of valuable information that you need to complete the class.
  2. Your overall pregnancy will also have a very big impact on you. You are going to experience a lot of pain, you’re going to gain a lot of weight, and feel stress among a whole mix of other big impacts. You have to remember you are not a grown lady yet so your body is not yet equipped to handle the extra weight that a baby will add.
  3. You will not be able to go out and socialize with your friends because you will have no one to babysit. You will miss out on dates, proms, and all the other fun social events that you would be able to attend if you were not pregnant. This will begin to make you feel isolated and alone.
  4. Think about what your family is going to think. This is the number one con of teenage pregnancy because a lot of parents will become extremely upset. They know that they will probably have to be pretty much responsible to raise the baby and that is not a task that a lot of parents are willing to take.
  5. Another huge con against teenage pregnancy is the financial responsibility that it will cost you. Babies come with a huge price tag. Think about the price of diapers, formula, and daycare. This does not include the cost of clothes and other essentials. On average it takes approximately 5,000-7,000 dollars a year to raise a child. Are you ready for that kind of price tag?

As you can see there a far more cons than pros of a teenage pregnancy. If you are a teen and thinking about getting pregnant , you need to really think about the overall cost, and if it is worth it.  If you are a teen and already are pregnant there is the option of adoption there are a lot of families out there that are willing to give your baby a happy home. Do not become a statistic, remember abstinence is still golden.