Stop Hot Flashes

It`s the most common physical symptom of menopause and yet women still don`t understand that they can put a stop to the annoying hot flash .

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This really is not just a very uncomfortable thing to happen, wherever you are, but it is potentially really embarrassing too.

A friend of mine, who has a senior position within a very well established company, was addressing a board meeting of shareholders (mainly men) when she felt the familiar heat of the hot flash spreading over her chest and neck. As she tried to use the mind over matter approach to stop her face from turning the color of beetroot, she noticed that several of the men in room were staring at her as if she were about to explode. Unfortunately, the meeting was at a crucial stage and so my friend did not feel it appropriate to make her excuses and disappear out the door to cool off. Consequently, she was forced to stay there for a further 90 minutes, wet with perspiration and completely humiliated by her experience.

She did of course survive her ordeal, but thought that it was quite interesting, that none of the gentleman present, seemed to have any idea what was happening. This led us to peruse whether they simply turned a blind eye to "womens problems" or whether we women were martyrs who do not like to make a fuss and just keep our symptom to ourselves…we decided on the latter.

If my friend had not decided to "power dress" that morning in silks and with full make up, she would have been better prepared to keep cool in her natural fabrics and with minimal make up, that did not end up streaking down her well groomed face. A hand held fan would have provided immediate relief as would a small packet of moist wipes and iced water.

So, if there is a moral to this tale it is this…don't be a martyr, if you are suffering with any kind of menopausal symptom, don't keep it to yourself. Share your discomfort with whoever is closest to you. By keeping it to yourself, you have the stress of doing so and the original symptom, so let it out. Oh and don't feel guilty about having a good old moan, you probably deserve it and will always feel better afterwards.